
Trump’s Day to Day Includes a Dozen Diet Cokes and Trying to Keep Him Calm

- Desember 09, 2017

Well, this is interesting.

A recent New York Times article delved into how Donald Trump is settling into the job of the presidency, now that his one year anniversary is fast approaching.

Notably, aides and those around the president have remarked about how he seems to be coming to the realization that what he thought would be a job he could run by fiat is actually a job that relies on cooperation with 2 equal branches of government.

Senators not willing to kiss his buttocks during meetings helped that process along. For instance, his barking orders during a meeting wore thin, prompting Senator Bob Corker to shoot back, “I don’t work for you, Mr. President!”

During a discussion health care, Trump couldn’t contain himself and cut in while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was walking through a presentation.

McConnell reportedly snapped, “Don’t interrupt me.”

Trump has begun to get the message.

The addition of John Kelly as Chief of Staff has likewise been helpful, as Kelly has cut out those he feels worked to rile up Trump, in order to push their own agenda (Steve Bannon, Seb Gorka).

Speaking of riled up, Fox News personality, Judge Jeanine Pirro, a long time friend and favorite of Trump’s, asked for a private meeting.

She wanted to talk to him about the Clintons and the Uranium One deal, but not because she had any extra information. She wanted to wind him up and watch him shake and froth, apparently.

Mr. Trump, Mr. Kelly and Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, met for more than an hour on Nov. 1 as Ms. Pirro whipped up the president against Mr. Mueller and accused James B. Comey, the former F.B.I.director, of employing tactics typically reserved for Mafia cases, according to a person briefed on the meeting.

The president became visibly agitated as she spoke. “Roy Cohn was my lawyer!” he exclaimed, referring to the legendary McCarthy-era fixer who mentored Mr. Trump in the 1980s, suggesting that was the type of defender he needed now.

At another point, Mr. Kelly interrupted. She was not “helping things,” he said, according to the person briefed. Even Mr. Trump eventually tired of Ms. Pirro’s screed and walked out of the room, according to the person.

He made it an hour in the same room as her. I give him credit.

He apparently still has a lot of anxiety, as he questions visiting Democrats who will be his opponent in 2020.

In September, while visiting with evangelical leaders, he wanted to know how he was doing.

“The Christians know all the things I’m doing for them, right?” he asked, according to three attendees, who reported praising his positions on issues like abortion and Planned Parenthood.

Them. Not us. Them, because there’s no connection between Christians and Donald Trump.

That part shouldn’t be a surprise.

What’s a surprise is that however imperceptible to the outsider, people are saying he’s coming to realize his limitations, as president.

The post Trump’s Day to Day Includes a Dozen Diet Cokes and Trying to Keep Him Calm appeared first on RedState.


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