VIA LIBERTY HANGOUT, Joseph Gatti writes:
Lucian Wintrich appeared at the University of Connecticut Tuesday night to present his lecture on Identity Politics. The young White House correspondent was met with an aggressive crowd of hecklers bent on taking his event down. Protesters began to migrate toward the Andre Schenker Lecture hall where Lucian was planned to speak after last-minute arrangements to increase the capacity of the event. The building was at full capacity the moment the doors opened as hecklers came in by the hundreds.
Lucian’s speech was about identity politics and how they establish a racist dialogue in politics. Lucian’s speech condemns racism and calls for an end of personal victim-hood on both sides of the spectrum from the far right to the far left. You can read his full speech here.
This didn’t stop the far left mob from calling him a racist though. The Uconn College Republicans who hosted Lucian posted the full live-stream of the event to their Facebook page. At 11:34 into the live stream, you can hear the hecklers chanting “go home Nazi” over his speech. This is the very same speech mind you that Lucian condemns alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer and tells conservatives to stay away from the alt-right.
“I don’t agree with Richard Spencer, I think he’s a moron, and a racial collectivist, which is totally the opposite of conservatism. He’s not right-wing, and, of course, he’s an actual racist.” – Wintrich
“Now I don’t want you running off and joining the alt-right. As conservatives, we should all reject white nationalism on principle. It’s collectivist for all the wrong reasons and it’s anti-capitalist. It says race is more important than the individual and doesn’t want competition from other races.” –Wintrich
“So, on a strangely progressive note, I urge you … Go out and be anti-racists.” –Wintrich
At this point in the night, the crowd was done with testing Lucian and the seriousness of the security company contracted to keep him safe. The hecklers decided to all get up and walk out of the event. While protesters started to leave, Catherine Gregory, a former professor and current adviser at Quinebaug Valley Community College, walked right up to Lucian’s podium and stole his speech. Security did nothing to prevent this, they did, however, move to help arrest Lucian for attempting to retrieve his property. Lucian was charged with “Breach of Peace in the second degree” while the woman who stole his speech wasn’t charged with anything.
Catherine Gregory’s lawyer said on Thursday that she stands by taking Lucian’s speech. Quinebaug Valley Community College later learned about Gregory’s involvement when it was reported, and then issued this statement standing by Gregory.
“The College does not condone the behavior and encourages peaceful discourse and compassionate debate. The employee attended the event as a private citizen.’’
It was very upsetting that security allowed this to happen. According to the Hartford Courant, Lucian said that:
“police had assured him they would not let the event get out of control and ‘were going to keep lines of defense’ around him. But when he asked officers to remove some of the rowdier members of the audience, they did nothing.”
A visitor wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hoodie and a hat volunteered to stand on stage to help keep Lucian safe, but that clearly wasn’t enough. It comes as no surprise that the head of security for the event was a leftist who was caught bragging on his Facebook about not protecting Wintrich.
Mark Loomis, the head of security went further and made fun of Lucian’s sexuality.
“Lucian is very effeminate. That’s cool – I know gender is a spectrum. But I just wonder if he is one of those self – hating gay Republicans who is in the closet or denial.” –Loomis
Loomis, whose Facebook profile is loaded with very left opinions and cruel insults to the conservative’s closing remarks at Tuesday’s events are however the most infuriating.
“It was really striking to see in person what a pointless, worthless infantile position this person was taking, and it was gratifying to see the immensity of the opposition to it. But then I remembered how much support this nonsense has in some parts of the country, and I could only shake my head.” – Loomis
On top of all of this, leftists have taken to the Uconn College Republican’s facebook page to lash out at the organization for inviting Lucian Wintrich. The College Republicans are currently sitting at 2.1 stars with students calling for repercussions to the organization. On Friday, leftist students marched on campus hoping to submit a list of demands to the university to bar the school from allowing people like Wintrich to speak on campus. Lastly, a meeting of healing was held to reconcile students bothered by Wintrich’s speech.
There is no doubt that these mobilizations to have the Uconn college Republicans penalized and to demand the University of Connecticut to prevent people like Wintrich from speaking on campus are in direct violation of free speech. These people artfully smeared Wintrich, creating a false narrative that he was speaking about white supremacy like they have done with other conservative speakers such as Ben Shapiro.
The truth is they don’t want dialogue. Looking through Wintrich’s speech, it’s painfully obvious he isn’t a white supremacist. These people just want to silence conservative voices on college campuses, and they’re willing to do so by any means. A student broke a window in the building Wintrich was speaking in, and another heckler threw a smoke bomb inside.
Now is as great of a time as ever to make sure our first amendment rights aren’t discarded because of the false accusations and criminal activity of agitators. The Uconn College Republicans were entirely within their rights to host Wintrich, and it’s a shame that many are attempting to have their organization shut down. Give their Facebook page a like and a good review to show your support for free speech.
The post UConn College Republican Member Writes Piece About Leftist Mob Shutting Down Wintrich’s Speech appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.