Let’s be honest.
The Democrat Party is now openly pushing Communism on US campuses.
English professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt put together a checklist for white supremacy.
Dutt-Ballerstadt tells students that if you believe in meritocracy – or awarding people according to their accomplishments or excellence – is a sign of white supremacy.
Of course, this is an openly Communist idea that Democrats are pushing on college campuses.
It’s not the first time a liberal professor pushed this Communist nonsense.
Angela Putman proposed the same idea last year at Penn State.
Campus Reform reported:
An English professor at Linfield College has developed a checklist that is intended to help individuals determine whether they are white supremacists.
In a Friday op-ed for Inside Higher Ed, professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt explains that after many years of contemplation, she “created a list of qualities and attributes of those that overtly or covertly support or contribute to a culture of mundane and everyday white supremacy within our institutions.”
The academic then goes on to outline 15 of her core “troubles” that she “identified to help others in academe recognize your (un)conscious contributions to white supremacy.”
The first item on the lengthy list of transgressions is working “in a position of power in a predominantly white institution” and doing nothing “to change the white supremacist power structures within your departments, committees and institutional decision-making process.”
Likewise, another sign of aiding white supremacy is thinking that marginalized colleagues who complain about oppressive work conditions are “difficult,” and saying “I am so sorry. This is unbelievable” to colleagues and students who claim “that they experienced microaggressions,” Dutt-Ballerstadt claims.
The checklist further asserts that wanting to nominate “‘stellar’ (mostly men) and obviously ‘white’” colleagues for leadership positions and awards is also a sign of aiding white supremacy, and implicitly supports “a logic of meritocracy that is built on this racist assumption that everyone has had the same access and opportunities.”
The post Liberal Prof Declares Meritocracy a Sign of White Supremacy (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.