
Sanders Demolishes Bannon’s Charge That Trump Is Mentally Unfit for Office

- Januari 05, 2018

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was busy answering many of the charges laid on President Trump by former Chief  Strategist and current Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon in the latter’s recent book, which Trump is currently attempting to stop from publishing via legal means.

One of the charges Bannon reportedly leveled against Trump is that he’s unfit for office, and one reporter wanted to find out how the President is taking such a charge.

“What is the president’s reaction of the suggestions in this book that he is mentally unfit?”

Sanders was quick to bring up that Trump’s victory over some great GOP candidates during the 2016 primaries:

If [Trump] was unfit, he probably would not be sitting there and would not have defeated the most qualified group of candidates the Republican Party has ever seen. This is an incredibly — strong and good leader, that is why we have had such a successful 2017 and why we are going to continue to do great things as we move forward in the administration.

Watch the interaction below.

Bannon and Trump are currently engaged in a war of words, with their relationship quickly deteriorating right before the public’s eyes.

This has been a long time coming, and many are more than happy to see Bannon ripped apart by the Trump administration, including those who had to once suffer under him like radio show host Dana Loesch.

“He is an opportunist,” Loesch told Fox News. “This is an individual who likes to take credit for other people’s success. He glommed on to Sarah Palin in the early days of her campaign. He glommed onto Andrew Breitbart. He glommed onto Ted Cruz and did the same thing with President Trump. He catches people as they are ascending, or after they have already ascended, and then tries to claim credit for all of their accomplishments.”

(h/t: Daily Caller)

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