The news media and many other characters on the left have discovered that in America, organizations often raffle off guns to raise money for causes or organizations. They seem believe that they have discovered something horrible and incongruous.
A gun being raffled to raise money for school children? I mean that is literally like killing children to raise money for them. IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!1!1! How dare anyone engage in legal gun-related commerce when someone completely unrelated to them has commited a gun crime?
An emotional response to horrific events like the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida is completely understandable. However, high emotions do not magically make stupid ideas any less stupid.
And make no mistake, attempting to logically onnect a raffle with an AR-15 as a prize with a crime committed with an AR-15 is exactly that. Stupid. It would have been no more stupid had people demanded that production and sales of the Dodge Challenger be halted after the automobile murder in Charlottesville, Virginia last summer.
The response to news about gun raffles this week is a perfect example of why gun policy should never be made in response to demands from emotional, irrational, or hysterical people who are apoplectic over the very existence of guns.
In my town: a sign for a gun raffle and two blocks later a flag lowered for victims of a mass shooting. Something is not right here.
— Jennifer (@MissStewy) February 19, 2018
Happening TONIGHT in Baltimore County. A gun raffle political fundraising event. If you’re in Baltimore PROTEST
— QUEENOFCAPS (@dkrende) February 17, 2018
Protest what exactly? Law abiding citizens abiding by the law?
I really wish this was a joke. At what point does it seem like a good idea to have school children selling raffle tickets for a gun? Especially now.
— cat (@funerarygirl) February 18, 2018
I saw a thing on facebook about a Catholic church doing a gun raffle…a freaking church! This was the same church that sent a group to the pro-life march last month. I just don't get it.
— Resistette (@msmandadiane) February 19, 2018
This person thinks she has made a clever observations. She is obviously wrong. Guns are in no way contradictory to pro-life principles. Guns are used to protect life far more often than they are used to take it.
7-9 yr olds. Selling raffle tickets for a gun that could be used to kill them while they are at school, church, shopping, or anywhere in public. #despicable #NRAIsATerroristOrganization
— Cheri DelBrocco (@cdelbrocco) February 19, 2018
Oh no. This one has seen through the NRA’s plan to hide the fact that most psychotic murderers obtain their weapons by playing charity games of chance.
This sick #GOP scumbag didn’t cancel his gun raffle as it would infringe on people’s rights… what the actual fuck… #shootings #GunControlNow #VoteThemOut2018
— A Dimension Of Mind (@dimensionofmind) February 19, 2018
A gun raffle. At a school. Amazing. America loves guns more than our own children.
— Jake Walker (@walkerjake79) February 18, 2018
Delete your account, Jake.
Tyler Tannahill is a congressional candidate who is raffling an AR-15, the same kind of gun used yesterday to slaughter 17 people. Despite that, his raffle will go on.
That's disgusting, @tannahilltweets.
You can reach his campaign and share your thoughts at (913) 297-9054.
— Gun Lobby Watch (@GunLobbyWatch) February 15, 2018
So my parents wanted me to go to church this morning with them. I did. And I found out something that made me sick to my stomach.
The church is doing a raffle for children under 18. Guess what the prize is.
A gun.
A. Fucking. Gun.I wanna leave this country now more than ever.
— BoltLegends (@BoltLegends) February 18, 2018
See ya.
So if they raffle off a gun, how are they ensuring the winner has a gun license and background check?! Or are they??
— Jennifer Z99.89 ❄️❄️ (@karaokejennjenn) February 19, 2018
Uh oh. She’s uncovered the dreaded gun raffle loophole.
When it comes to analyzing the crime and discerning how (if possible) future crimes might be prevented, there is no room for hysteria or emotion. Choices made solely upon emotion are almost always wrong. Policy shouldn’t be made simply for the feeling that we’ve done something in response to an atrocity.
Obviously, doing something in response isn’t inherently wrong, but the wave of public opinion after a terrible crime is usually aimed at doing anything in response. Whether it actually fixes a problem is unimportant because only the intentions matter when dumb people are having knee jerk reactions.
The post Anti-Gun Nuts Display Epic Stupidity after Learning Gun Raffle Fundraisers Exist appeared first on RedState.