As previously reported, Chairman of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) slammed CNN reporter Manu Raju for asking if the White House allegedly coordinated the FISA memo’s release.
Watch CNN reporter Manu Raju get a smackdown by Chairman Nunes:
On Tuesday morning a CNN reporter asked Nunes if the White House had any role in his memo. His response: “Democracy dies in darkness, my friend. Get to work.” OUCH!
Here was the exchange:
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) February 7, 2018
Strangely, the mainstream media and fake news journalists pushed back on the release of the FISA memo claiming there would be a ‘Constitutional crisis’ if the document was released.
We are also hearing no such rhetoric from the same fake news hacks as the Dems prepare to release their 10-page junk memo.
Chairman Nunes continued to troll Manu Raju Tuesday evening in a rare tweet.
Devin Nunes isn’t very active on Twitter so he really got a rise out of Twitter users after he taunted the CNN reporter.
“Still dark…” Nunes tweeted to Manu Raju.
Still dark…
— Devin Nunes (@DevinNunes) February 7, 2018
Some of the reaction…
Congressman thank you your service, please continue the investigations pressure, we want indictments and convictions within the deep state !!!! Thank you sir!!!!
— T wade (@Warlockops) February 7, 2018
Thank you sir for your diligence, they can only live in the shadows so long before the light finds them. Our democracy is under attack by the left and MSM, serious information crisis at hand.
— Danette Damron (@DamronDanette) February 7, 2018
I absolutely hope the rest of this country appreciates you as much as my family does! You are our hero Devin!!!
— Regina (@ReginafrRussia) February 7, 2018
They will try to keep it dark long as they can to cover their crimes.
— MAGAinSoCal (SL) (@MAGAinSoCal) February 7, 2018
Mr. @DevinNunes
You Are Proof That Courage Comes In Many Forms.. I Thank The Lord We Have Someone Like You Fighting For Our Republic In DC.
Thank You!
American Citizen#Strzok #Comey #Mueller #Page #Lynch #Kerry #Clinton #CarterPage #Rosenstein #Trump2020 #WednesdayMotivation— Imperio Populi (@saksivas_) February 7, 2018
The post Chairman Nunes Continues to Troll CNN Reporter Over FISA Memo appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.