
Crazy Adam Schiff Fires Off Unhinged Tweet About His Dem Spin Memo – Forgets his Hashtag

- Februari 08, 2018

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) has spiraled out of control since the damning FISA memo was released last Friday.

Adam Schiff is desperate to get his Dem spin memo released to the public.

In the meantime, the suspected leaker continues to meltdown on Twitter by pushing crazy Russian conspiracy theories.

Adam Schiff fired off one of his most unhinged tweets yet.

Schiff tweeted: Have you seen the new GOP hashtag? It’s quite a doozy:


Whatever that means…

The 10-page Democrat junk memo is at the White House under review and should be released shortly.

Fox News reporter John Roberts reported on Tuesday sources told him Schiff’s spin memo purposely contains information pertaining to “sources and methods” which will force POTUS Trump to make redactions. This was done tactically to make Trump look like he’s censoring the Dems since he made no changes to Nunes’ memo.

It looks like Schiffty is trying to lay the blame on the GOP (shocker).

Trump supporters hammered Schiff.

The post Crazy Adam Schiff Fires Off Unhinged Tweet About His Dem Spin Memo – Forgets his Hashtag appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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