Seventeen-year-old David Hogg is a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school who survived the mass shooting carried out by Nikolas Cruz last week.
David Hogg has been astonishingly articulate and highly skilled at propagating a new anti-Conservative/anti-Trump narrative behind the recent school shooting.
The Gateway Pundit was the first publication to question the media’s motives for propelling a select few students into the spotlight following the shooting. They all have one thing in common; they want to fight the gun lobby and the NRA.
We knew an anti-second amendment movement was effervescing; we were right.
David Hogg has launched a boycott-the-NRA rampage from his Twitter account and the social media giant is protecting his activism by banning anyone who harasses questions him.
David Hogg Twitter avatar
On Wednesday, Twitter Safety released a statement regarding the Parkland students. Anyone ‘harassing’ (disagreeing with) the students will be banned.
Twitter also said something very interesting. They are using ‘anti-abuse tools to weed out malicious automation around these individuals and the topics they are raising.’
In other words, if you dare question or refute anything these teenagers say, you risk being banned from the platform. These teenagers are royalty. How dare you question their wisdom.
Twitter Safety tweeted: We are actively working on reports of targeted abuse and harassment of a number of survivors of the tragic mass shooting in #Parkland. Such behavior goes against everything we stand for at Twitter, and we are taking action on any content that violates our terms of service.
We are actively working on reports of targeted abuse and harassment of a number of survivors of the tragic mass shooting in #Parkland. Such behavior goes against everything we stand for at Twitter, and we are taking action on any content that violates our terms of service.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) February 21, 2018
The next tweet from Twitter Safety was interesting: We are also using our anti-spam and anti-abuse tools to weed out malicious automation around these individuals and the topics they are raising. We have also verified a number of survivors’ Twitter accounts.
We are also using our anti-spam and anti-abuse tools to weed out malicious automation around these individuals and the topics they are raising. We have also verified a number of survivors’ Twitter accounts.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) February 21, 2018
Shortly after Twitter released this statement, Parkland student-turned-anti-gun-activist, David Hogg unleashed a boycott rampage from his Twitter account.
Hogg is targeting the NRA and any corporation that has a partnership with the NRA.
So if you dare refute Hogg, you will be taken off of Twitter. See how this is all coming together?
David Hogg unleashed boycott-the-NRA rampage on Twitter targeting every corporation he could think of that partners with the NRA and one by one, the corporations acquiesced to Hogg and severed ties.
If you think this is just a coincidence, we have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
This was a coordinated attack on firearms and the NRA.
Hogg’s boycott rampage:
Ok what other big companies support the NRA? Let’s get this done tonight!
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Ok got it, pick a number between 1-15
Now tweet at the corresponding company and boycott them hertz is #1 #goodnightnra— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Anyone got a list of the biggest private donors to the NRA? #BoycottNRAElite
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Let’s make the goal for this next hour to get @TrueCar to cut ties with @NRA #BoycottNRAElite
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Hey @Budget why do you support the NRA?
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Hey @LifeLock why do you support the NRA? #NeverForget
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Hey @Hertz why do you support the NRA?
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Thank you @NortonOnline for severing ties with @NRA
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Hey @FedEx why do you support the NRA?
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
What about the vanguard and fidelity funds that invesg so much in gun manufacturers ? #neveragain
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 23, 2018
Wait does @FedEx still support the NRA? Lets get this done tonight #nraboycott @fedex
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 24, 2018
So which companies use @FedEx the most? We could pressure them to stop business until @FedEx ends their support for the NRA.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 24, 2018
Hogg even went after Amazon.
At this point we should prolly just use @eBay instead of @Amazon eBay uses a government corporation @USPS and doesn’t support @NRATV #changeiscoming
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 24, 2018
The post David Hogg Unleashes Boycott Rampage After Twitter Threatens to Ban Anyone ‘Targeting’ Parkland Students or ‘Topics They Are Raising’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.