This week the San Ramon High School in California announced it would no longer play the National Anthem at school rallies.
Student body president Ariyana Kermanizadeh said the anthem finds joy in killing African-Americans.
Student leaders at the high school decided the US national anthem was racially insensitive. And, of course, the teachers all agreed with the decision and made it a new policy to ban the national anthem.
This is the modern day left.
A parent at the high school wrote The Gateway Pundit hoping to see more light shed on this social justice insanity.
I’m hoping to draw further attention to a significant problem at California High School in San Ramon, California. Todd Starnes at Fox News has already addressed this in part but I would like to see more light shed on this in an effort to bring additional pressure on the anti-American liberals who run the school and district.
I am the father of a student at the school, and when my eldest son came home and told me about this I was outraged. Effectively a handful of disgruntled snowflakes did not like a reference to “the hireling and slave” in the third verse of the Star-Spangled Banner. As a result, the national anthem will no longer be played at student gatherings. The school administration put out a piece this afternoon claiming that they were attempting to be inclusive and mindful of issues which may make some students uncomfortable. Of course, they don’t take the feelings of the mainstream into account with their radicalized agenda on issues involving gender or other hot topics. It seems that only the left is given the benefit of the doubt on these things. Frankly, I’m tired of being on the defensive.
So he-she wrote us to bring more attention to the story.
We are happy to oblige…
The post Exclusive: California School Bans “Racially Insensitive” National Anthem at Assemblies – Parent Speaks Out on the Latest Insanity appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.