
Reince Priebus Ready to Spill on Trump White House Chaos (“It’s Worse Than You Heard”)

- Februari 16, 2018

OH, the weasel will have his say.

There’s another book coming up that delves into the machinations of the Trump White House, and this time, former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus gets a few quotes in.

You had to know that if given the opportunity, he’d pop.

“Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50,” Priebus said, according to an excerpt from the book “The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency,” by Chris Whipple.

Priebus is the eternal brownnoser.

Anyone who saw his breathless praise of Trump in an early Cabinet video from 2017, where he thanked Trump for the “blessing” of being allowed to serve him knows exactly what I’m talking about.

He’s about as spineless and slimy as they come.

Still, like most brownnosers, it’s not without a heaping dose of self-interest.

Priebus, after prostrating himself so completely at Trump’s feet, was unceremoniously bounced from his position last summer. He only served 189 days – the shortest tenure of any chief of staff – and was humiliated in the process.

In June 2017, Trump dismissed Priebus from Air Force One, sending him slinking away in full view of media cameras.

This came after another Trump hire, Anthony Scaramucci, had clashed with Priebus, accusing him of being the source of leaks and the chaos in those earliest days of the administration.

“The Mooch” did himself in, after a profanity-laced tirade to a reporter from the New Yorker, where he slammed other members of the administration, and referred to Priebus as a “f**king paranoid schizophrenic.”

At least Priebus has the satisfaction of knowing Scaramucci had less staying power than him (about 10 days).

Of those chaotic days that the former chief of staff is dishing out, now that he’s no longer a Cabinet member, he’s also said in recent days that Attorney General Jeff Sessions attempted to quit, several times.

“I said, ‘You cannot resign. It’s not possible. We are going to talk about this right now,’” Priebus recalled telling Sessions.

The attorney general, who has faced periodic criticism from President Trump, later offered his resignation, but Priebus urged Trump not to accept it, the former chief of staff said.

Then there was Trump’s insistence that he had the most bigly inauguration crowd in all of history.

It wasn’t true – but truth never bothered the narrative of Trump or his supporters.

Priebus said that he didn’t agree with the new president making a big deal out of it, obsessing over it, and basically making himself a laughing stock to the press and across social media. He ultimately gave up trying to talk sense to the man, saying it wasn’t worth going to war over.

A weasel once is a weasel always, however. Priebus still supports Trump and says he’s in contact with him, often.

“I still love the guy,” Priebus said in the book.

Priebus has reportedly talked with the president about strategy for this year’s midterm elections and has touted Trump’s support among Hispanic and black voters.


Trump’s approval rating among black Americans in December 2017 was around 15 percent. Just saying…

Meanwhile, Priebus’ replacement, Chief of Staff John Kelly, is having his own issues, and many are wondering if his days are numbered, as well.

We’ll have to wait and see, but if everybody contributed to a book about their time in the Trump White House, how close do you think their horror stories would be?


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