
South Africa’s President, Jacob Zuma, Resigns Amid Party Pressure

- Februari 15, 2018

South Africa’s corrupt president, Jacob Zuma, has announced his resignation.

Zuma should have been out long ago. His continued tenure at the head of the African National Congress-dominated government sparked protests and even brawls in Parliament.

I spent much of 2002 in Johannesburg, S. Africa and the Cape, and the only thing I can think is “Finally!” It’s been 16 years since I first read a South African comic strip called Madam & Evewhich even then commented on and mocked Zuma for his corrupt and power hungry ways.

While Zuma’s resignation is a good thing to finally happen in South Africa, the fact that the ANC couldn’t remove such a known corrupt politician puts into question any hope that much will change.

The political challenges aren’t the only ones the most Westernized African country is facing at the moment, either. Its largest coastal city, Cape Town, is literally on schedule to run out of potable water in May.

If we know one thing from recent world history, it’s that South Africans find a way to manage through crises.

The post South Africa’s President, Jacob Zuma, Resigns Amid Party Pressure appeared first on RedState.


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