
Susan Rice’s Lawyer Responds to Grassley Inquiry About Bizarre Email She Sent Herself on Trump’s Inauguration Day

- Februari 24, 2018

Last week, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former NatSec Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.

Susan Rice sent herself an unusual email on January 20th memorializing a secret meeting she had on January 5th with Obama, Comey, Biden and Sally Yates to discuss ‘Russian interference’.

Senate Judiciary Chairmen Grassley and Graham sent Susan Rice a list of questions she must answer the Committee by January 22nd 2018.

Susan Rice’s lawyers responded to Congress late Friday in a letter claiming the Obama admin was afraid to share classified intel with General Flynn. Seriously?

Politico reported:

A lawyer for President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, told Congress late Friday that the outgoing administration was fearful of sharing classified intelligence with members of the incoming Trump team, especially Rice’s successor, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

In a letter to lawmakers, Rice’s lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler, said Rice drafted a Jan. 20, 2017, email to herself on the advice of White House counsel to memorialize the outgoing administration’s reluctance.

“President Obama and his national security team were justifiably concerned about potential risks to the Nation’s security from sharing highly classified information about Russia with certain members of the Trump transition team, particularly Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn,”

Rice’s lawyer also claims Susan Rice was not informed about any FISA applications sought by the FBI in its investigation and that she only learned about them from the press reports after leaving office and that the dossier was never discussed in this meeting.

This is hard to believe being that Rice has a track record of lying and Comey, who was one of the attendees in this secret meeting she was in on January 5th, traveled to Trump Tower the very next day to brief Trump on the dossier. The dossier and FISA warrants never came up in the meeting? Yeah, ok.

Susan Rice’s lawyer also claimed there was nothing unusual about this email.

Screenshot of the letter below via Politico’s Kyle Cheney:

General Flynn was definitely targeted and taken down by the Deep State.

This secret meeting Rice had with the crooked Obama admin took place ONE WEEK after Flynn’s phone call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

A few days after Rice’s secret meeting, news of Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak illegally leaked to the liberal media.

Flynn was subsequently ambushed by the FBI and sucked into an interview without his lawyer and ultimately fired from his position as NatSec Advisor.

The post Susan Rice’s Lawyer Responds to Grassley Inquiry About Bizarre Email She Sent Herself on Trump’s Inauguration Day appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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