
TOM FITTON: There Are AT LEAST FOUR Anti-Trump Dossiers By Obama-Clinton Cabal (VIDEO)

- Februari 12, 2018

In a video posted to Twitter Sunday, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said there are at least four different anti-Trump dossiers stemming from Obama-Clinton inc.

“.@JudicialWatch lawsuit uncovered ANOTHER Russia Dossier used to undermine @RealDonaldTrump–this one created by Obama State Department. By my count, there are now at least 4 Obama/Clinton “get Trump” dossiers,” tweeted Judicial Watch.

FITTON: “There was no basis for a legitimate investigation into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. The only basis was a smear job created by Hillary Clinton’s political operatives. In fact, there came out another Clinton dossier, this one created by Cody Shearer, who also got it to the FBI supposedly through Fusion GPS. Cody Shearer goes way back, he’s a longtime Clinton operative-henchman. So now that’s two dossiers. And guess what, we just found a third dossier. This one created by the Obama State Department.

We received the documents, we just released them this week. So what happens is, shortly before President Trump came into office, the Obama State Department gathered intelligence, classified material on Russian activities on elections and public policy, fights abroad specially in Europe [….] They sent them to their buddy Ben Cardin, a Democrat from Maryland.

So they were vacuuming classified information, creating a special dossier on Russia and sending classified information to, according to reports at the time, with the express purpose of not allowing the Trump administration to assert its prerogative on the handling of this classified information and its relations with Russia. The abuses don’t stop with the Obama FBI and DOJ, they continued into this Obama State Department and we want to know how this classified information was gathered, who ordered it, how it was disseminated and who else has it…They are in cover-up mode!”

The fourth memo to round out the list is the second, lesser known dossier by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Via Hannity.com:

The former British spy who authored the infamous ‘Trump Dossier’ reportedly created a second document that has yet to be published; relying on high-level Clinton insiders and contacts inside Obama’s Justice Department to get damning intelligence on Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

According to the Washington Examiner, new documents released by the Senate Judiciary Committee show Steele “wrote an additional memo” predicated on material originating from a “foreign source.”

The post TOM FITTON: There Are AT LEAST FOUR Anti-Trump Dossiers By Obama-Clinton Cabal (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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