
WATCH: Oleg Atbashian Exposes Far Left “Fact Checkers” Who Are Hired By Silicon Valley & THE US GOVERNMENT To Shut Down Access To Non-Leftist Sites

- Februari 08, 2018

The Social Media Neutrality Panel was held yesterday at the Newseum in Washington DC.

The panel included testimony from Jim Hoft of The Gateway PunditPamela Geller of The Geller ReportMargaret Howell of Rightside BroadcastingOleg Atbashian from The People’s Cube, tech entrepreneur Marlene Jaeckel. Topics all involved the current tech climate, social media bias, shadow banning and other methods meant to silence voices and limit readers and viewers access to information.

Oleg Atbashian is an author, satirist, and graphic artist from the former USSR. His writings present a view of America and the world through the prism of his Soviet experience. Oleg Atbashian is the author of Shakedown Socialism, of which David Horowitz wrote, “I hope everyone reads this book.” He is also the creator of a satirical website ThePeoplesCube.com, His essays and satires have been translated into many languages and his graphics reproduced in various publications around the world.

Atbashian discussed how supposed “fact checkers” that are hired by Silicon Valley to “moderate” information are not only disingenuous, pulling much of their information from far-left propaganda machines, but are propelling the left while they work to destroy all opinion or humor that is not deemed as “progressive”. Atbashian, however, explains that the problem runs even deeper than just Silicon Valley – that the US Government and their contractors are taking the same cues from these “fact checkers” to mass ban conservative or non-progressive sites from large data networks (including government computers)!

Watch Atbashian’s entire statement below:


The post WATCH: Oleg Atbashian Exposes Far Left “Fact Checkers” Who Are Hired By Silicon Valley & THE US GOVERNMENT To Shut Down Access To Non-Leftist Sites appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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