Attorney General Jeff Sessions has approved the release of documents related to the 2009 Obama-era gun-running program, Operation Fast and Furious.
In a statement from the Department of Justice, A.G. Sessions said, “The Department of Justice under my watch is committed to transparency and the rule of law. This settlement agreement is an important step to make sure that the public finally receives all the facts related to Operation Fast and Furious.”
Townhall’s Katie Pavlich revisited one of the first and most notorious scandals of the acclaimed “scandal-free” Obama administration.
“We need to find out the truth, exactly what happened, how it happened, why it happened. We need Mr. Trump, President Trump, to unseal the documents, reverse executive privilege so that we know what happened, and that we can hold the people accountable that are responsible,” Kent Terry said.
Terry was murdered by Mexican cartel rip crew members in December 2010. They were carrying guns illegally trafficked by ATF to Mexico through the Fast and Furious program.
Operation Fast and Furious was a secret ATF program, overseen heavily at the highest levels at the Department of Justice, which took place between September 2009 and December 2010. ATF agents repeatedly and knowingly allowed individuals working for Mexican cartels to traffic thousands of AK-47s, .50 caliber rifles and handguns into Mexico. The operation ended in 2010 when Agent Terry was murdered and years of coverups surrounding his death and the extent of the operation ensued. Hundreds, if not thousands of Mexican citizens have been murdered as a result of the U.S. government putting guns into the hands of narco-terrorists and a number of firearms trafficked during the operation have been found at additional crime scenes in the United States.
As HotAir’s Ed Morrissey explained following Sessions’ announcement, whether the release of the documents Pres. Obama claimed executive privilege over — despite saying he knew nothing about the operation until it was abandoned — will lead anywhere, or to actual consequences for Obama administration officials, is questionable.
It might take months to review the material being released, assuming the DoJ releases it in a timely manner. If the House changes hands in November, there’s a very good chance that Democratic leadership will close the books on OF&F. Late, in this case, might end up being never.
Of course, Sessions could expedite the process but he hasn’t seemed interested in prioritizing the issue, despite Congress holding his predecessor in criminal contempt over it.
While we don’t know what is contained in the withheld documents, the fact that Pres. Obama exerted executive privilege over them tells us at least one thing: It’s not nothing.
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