From the diaries.
In the age of Trump where the GOP has become the party of Republicrats and Trumplicans, there are those who claim that Donald Trump hijacked the party of Reagan. And while there’s some validity to that point of view, I have to slightly disagree.
A hijacking is usually an act of force where the hijacker seizes control against the will of those being hijacked. But in the case of today’s Republican party, we have a group of volunteer hostages suffering from Stockholm syndrome:
- Hostage’s development of positive feelings toward their captor
- No previous hostage-captor relationship
- Refusal by hostages to cooperate with outside forces
- A hostage’s belief in the humanity of their captor, because when a victim holds the same values as the oppressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat
Regardless of how it happened, it’s become clear that the party of Reagan no longer represents conservative values, and they have replaced those values with the values of Donald Trump.
As we approach the 2018 election season, this reality is giving rise to the “mini-Trumps” people who are running for office not to save America, but to reshape the GOP into the image of Donald Trump. We’re beginning to see what this looks like at the national level, and now we’re seeing it in state races as well.
In Nevada, Dennis Hof, the self-described pimp who runs a house of prostitution called the Love Ranch just announced his candidacy for the District 36 State Assembly seat. His motivation for running? Donald Trump.
Following an appearance at the annual Lincoln Dinner hosted by a Republican women’s group, Hof shared how he considers Trump a sort of kindred spirit:
“We’re both famous-and infamous. We’re both high-profile. We’re both celebrities. We’re both successful businessmen. We both have reality television shows. We both have written books. We’re both rich and can’t be bought. There’s a lot of similarities.”
He left out “we both have had sex with an unknown number of women,” but I guess he didn’t want to brag about that. Although, if he had, that would have given him two more things he has in common with Trump (the sex and the bragging).
Speaking of multiple sex partners, since the evangelical community gave Trump a “mulligan” concerning his sexual escapades, I’m expecting Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Robert Jeffress to issue their endorsement of Hof as a man made in the image of Trump (idol worship reference intentional on my part).
Donald Trump wrote The Art of the Deal while Dennis Hof wrote The Art of the Pimp. Ironic how these similar titles prove how Trump, to paraphrase Barack Obama, is fundamentally transforming the GOP and America.
Originally posted on The Strident Conservative.
David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are featured on,, and
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