
James Woods HAMMERS “Anti-Christian Bigot” Joy Behar – Calls For Boycott of ABC

- Maret 10, 2018

James Woods took Joy Behar to task on Friday after she offered a closed-door ‘apology’ to Vice President Mike Pence for mocking his Christian faith.

The patriotic actor also called for a boycott of ABC until Behar is fired or apologizes to Christians publicly.

James Woods is fed up with the anti-Christian bigotry from Joy Behar.

Attacking Christians is socially acceptable. We see it everyday from Hollywood to social media to left-leaning media figures.

On February 13th, the utterly repulsive Joy Behar of The View attacked Mike Pence’s Christian faith saying that hearing from Jesus is actually called a “mental illness.”

ABC subsequently received over 30,000 calls from furious viewers demanding Behar apologize and be fired.

Behar quietly apologized to Mike Pence in a private phone call. Pence accepted the apology but told her he wants Behar to apologize to Christians publicly.

Fox News reported:

“She apologized to the vice president, he accepted and said he wasn’t offended by her comment for his own sake but on behalf of the millions of Christians who watch ABC and her show,” the source told Fox News. “He encouraged her to make the same apology publicly on the show that she did privately to him.”

James Woods unleashed on Friday and called for a boycott of ABC until Behar is fired or apologizes to Christians.

Woods tweeted: I have never once asked to trend any sentiment before. While I recognize that @Twitter will stymie my efforts in an effort to defend a liberal news outlet, I am nonetheless asking all of my followers to get this hashtag trending: #BoycottABC

Woods means business: I have instructed my stockbroker to sell all holdings in the Walt Disney Company (DIS) until Joy Behar, the anti-Christian bigot who works for Disney’s subsidiary @ABC, is fired or apologizes to all us who hold our Christian faith dearly. #BoycottABC

Woods called for his follower to boycott ABC: #JoyBehar thinks we are mentally ill. Her manager offered a classic liberal “apology” behind closed doors that none of us received. Will my 1.3 million followers join with me in turning off @ABC until Joy Behar is fired or apologizes to US? #BoycottABC


The post James Woods HAMMERS “Anti-Christian Bigot” Joy Behar – Calls For Boycott of ABC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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