
Judicial Watch Sues For Documents On Activities Of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations

- Maret 29, 2018

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch is suing for documents relating to activities undertaken by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations abroad. 

Judicial Watch reports:

The Soros Open Society Foundations of Romania lawsuit was filed after State and USAID failed to substantively respond to an October 16, 2017, FOIA request seeking among other records:

  • All records relating to any contracts, grants or other allocations/disbursements of funds by the State Department to the Open Society Foundation – Romania and/or its personnel and/or any OSFR subsidiary or affiliate.
  • All assessments, evaluations, reports or similar records relating to the work of Open Society Foundation – Romania and/or its subsidiaries or affiliated organizations.

The Soros Open Society Foundations of Colombia lawsuit was filed after State failed to respond to an October 23, 2017, FOIA request seeking among other records:

  • All records regarding any contracts, grants or other allocations/disbursements of funds by the State Department to the Open Society Foundation – Colombia and/or any OSF subsidiaries/affiliates, and/or OSF personnel operating in Colombia, as well as the following entities: Fundacion Ideas para la Paz; La Silla Vacia; DeJusticia; Corporacion Nuevo Arco Iris; Paz y Reconciliacion; Global Drug Policy Program; and news portal Las Dos Orillas.

  • All records of communication, whether by e-mails, text messages, or instant chats, between any officials, employees or representatives of the State Department in Colombia, including Ambassador Kevin Whitaker and any officials, employees or representatives of the Open Society Foundation, its subsidiaries/affiliates, and/or those entities identified in the first bullet.

“It is time for Americans to be allowed to see State Department documentation regarding the public funding of Soros’ Open Society Foundations,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement Wednesday.

“The billionaire George Soros needs zero assistance from taxpayers to promote his far-left agenda abroad.”

Last October, Soros transferred billions of his personal wealth into his infamous Open Society Foundations. The non-profit is one of the world’s top funders of ‘open-borders’ causes. As Soros approaches 90 years old in the Trump-era, it appears the hedge fund manager is “going all in.”

“George Soros, who built one of the world’s largest fortunes through a famous series of trades, has turned over nearly $18 billion to Open Society Foundations, according to foundation officials, a move that transforms both the philanthropy he founded and the investment firm supplying its wealth,” reported the Wall Street Journal.

The post Judicial Watch Sues For Documents On Activities Of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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