
Mike Flynn Jr. Celebrates McCabe’s Firing – Unleashes Ferocious Tweetstorm

- Maret 17, 2018

The Washington Post reported on Friday that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired — two days before he was set to retire.

The firing may affect this retirement package.

McCabe is the first Deep State criminal to face justice; he was a part of the ‘insurance policy’ conversation with Strzok and Page.

General Flynn’s son Mike Flynn Jr. celebrated McCabe’s firing and unleashed a ferocious tweetstorm.

FOX News reported:

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired on Friday night, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced.

“Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately,” Sessions said in a statement.

General Flynn’s son Mike Flynn Jr. started his tweetstorm by celebrating McCabe’s firing and said, “he’s had it out for my father since his days at the DIA.”

Flynn Jr then thanked AG Sessions and called McCabe a ‘corrupt POS’:

The tweets got a little more intense:



The take down of General Flynn was a Deep State set up.

General Flynn’s phone call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak during the Trump transition was illegally leaked to the liberal media.

Dirty cop Andrew McCabe and disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok worked in coordination to take out General Flynn.

Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok then ambushed General Flynn and interviewed him on January 24th 2017 without his lawyer present.

On December 1st 2017 it was reported General Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI deep state operatives in the ongoing Trump witch hunt.

At the end of January, Special Counsel Robert Mueller requested the postponement of former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn’s sentencing.

General Flynn should be pardoned and reimbursed for all of his legal fees.

You can donate to Lieutenant General (Retired) Michael T. Flynn’s legal defense fund by clicking here.

The post Mike Flynn Jr. Celebrates McCabe’s Firing – Unleashes Ferocious Tweetstorm appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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