
Project Veritas Action Seeks DOJ Criminal Investigation Into Bernie Sanders Campaign For Colluding With Australian Labor Party

- Maret 09, 2018

It is well documented that the Australian Labor Party sent staffers to work against Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign.

In February 2016 Project Veritas released video of Australian Labor Party activists assisting Democrats in the US.

The activists are seen assisting the Bernie Sanders campaign.

This is a clear violation of FEC laws.

Bernie Sanders campaign was fined $14,500 by the FEC for accepting illegal, foreign contributions.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe tweeted out a recap of the undercover video of Australian Labor Party operatives:

Project Veritas has more on their criminal complaint and investigation into the Sanders campaign:

Project Veritas Action Fund has requested a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice into the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign to determine if the Sanders campaign and the Australian Labor Party conspired to “defraud the U.S. government” and allowed “foreign national interference with U.S. elections.”

The request for an investigation of the Sanders campaign and the Australian Labor Party is based on the belief that there was a “conspiracy to defraud the United States government,” as well as the likelihood of “false statements to the United States government.”

Project Veritas Action Fund’s legal counsel and author of the complaint Benjamin Barr compared the findings to the popular Russian Collusion scandal:

“Given the unusual breadth and depth of likely foreign involvement in America’s 2016 presidential election, we request a thorough criminal investigation of the matters described herein.

Barr goes on to point out that like this complaint about 13 foreign nationals assisting one federal campaign the Grand Jury in Washington DC recently indicted 13 Russians for interfering in a Federal election.*

Additionally, the former Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives William O’Brien is sending a letter to the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section as well as the U.S. Attorney’s office in Concord, New Hampshire asking for an investigation. In his letter, the former Speaker requests an investigation into “additional potential criminal violations stemming from an apparent conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government.”

According to the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) as quoted in O’Brien’s letter: “[p]ersons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution or both.”

This comes in the wake of the Sanders Campaign agreeing to pay a civil penalty of $14,500 to the Federal Election Commission for accepting “prohibited foreign contributions,” although the campaign agreed to do so “without admitting liability.”

This fine was a result of an initial complaint filed by O’Brien, citing Project Veritas Action Fund’s hidden-camera videos from 2016 which exposed Australian nationals who were sent by the Australian Labor Party and financed by the Australian Labor Party to assist the the Sanders Presidential campaign.

The Project Veritas Action Fund 2016 videos that exposed the foreign collusion with the Sanders campaign initially got very little coverage from the mainstream media in the US, but were widely covered by the Australian Media.

Screenshot of page one of the complaint below:

Will Robert Mueller indict this foreign interference with US elections? Probably not since his operation is a witch hunt with a goal to remove President Trump.

The post Project Veritas Action Seeks DOJ Criminal Investigation Into Bernie Sanders Campaign For Colluding With Australian Labor Party appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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