
Sean Hannity Reacts to McCabe’s Firing “More Coming…TICK TOCK”

- Maret 17, 2018

The Washington Post reported on Friday that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired — two days before he was set to retire.

The firing may affect this retirement package.

McCabe is the first Deep State criminal to face justice; he was a part of the ‘insurance policy’ conversation with Strzok and Page.

FOX News reported:

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired on Friday night, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced.

“Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately,” Sessions said in a statement.

Conservatives celebrated on social media. Finally, cold hard justice was served to a dirty cop who tried to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.

Sean Hannity reacted to McCabe’s firing, saying there is more coming…TICK TOCK.

Hannity tweeted: McCabe Fired, just a start. Hannity REAL NEWS. We have been talking about MCCabe for MONTHS! More coming….Tick Tock….

President Trump promised to drain the swamp; we expect to see more heads roll soon.

Who’s next?

Stay tuned; the much-anticipated IG report will be released very soon.

The post Sean Hannity Reacts to McCabe’s Firing “More Coming…TICK TOCK” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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