
TOM FITTON: Firing Of ‘Documented Liar’ Andrew McCabe Is Just The Beginning (VIDEO)

- Maret 18, 2018

On Friday evening, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew McCabe on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials. 

In a statement, Sessions said, “Both the OIG and FBI OPR reports concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor − including under oath − on multiple occasions.”

“The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability.”

“As the OPR proposal stated, ‘all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand’,” Sessions added.

In an interview with Fox News Saturday, Fitton said he believes the FBI official’s firing is just the beginning of the McCabe saga.

FITTON: “You have both the Inspector General’s office of the Justice Department and the Office of Professional Responsibility suggesting that Mr. McCabe gave false statements to their investigators, which would not only be a fireable offense but potentially a federal crime, which leads to other issues, will he be prosecuted for lying to investigators the way that General Flynn, who McCabe targeted, was prosecuted for lying to FBI agents? This is a big blow to the Deep State efforts to target President Trump. McCabe now has been branded by the internal watchdogs of the agencies he’s been a part of for twenty years, as being less than candid and that infects every investigation he’s been involved with now. It infects the Clinton email investigation, the Russia investigation, the FISA warrants–all of that now. The Flynn investigation. All of that is further compromised and there are a lot of reasons they have been compromised to date. But now, the top, the number two guy at the FBI is a documented liar.”

On Saturday, Judicial Watch released the following statement on the firing of McCabe:

Attorney Sessions did the right thing in firing Andrew McCabe for repeatedly making statements to investigators that “lack candor.”  The FBI is not above the law. Mr. McCabe’s dishonesty taints both the Clinton email inquiry and Russia collusion investigation targeting President Trump, including the Mueller operation.

Mr. McCabe should have been ousted from the FBI many months ago, when Judicial Watch first revealed a clear conflict of interest scandal involving his wife’s political campaign.

Judicial Watch recently uncovered that McCabe, despite massive contributions from Clinton ally Terence McAuliffe to his wife’s 2015 political campaign, did not recuse himself from the Clinton email investigation until just a week before the 2016 presidential election.

Click here to read the entire statement.

The post TOM FITTON: Firing Of ‘Documented Liar’ Andrew McCabe Is Just The Beginning (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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