
Viral Videos=> Border Patrol Arrests Illegal Alien Mother Involved in Smuggling Ring as Her Children Cry

- Maret 09, 2018

Two videos showing Border Patrol agents arresting Perla Morales-Luna, an alleged illegal alien woman involved in a smuggling ring, in front of her anguished children on the streets of National City in Southern California last week end have gone viral with one video garnering over 6 million views and the predictable outrage from illegal alien sympathizers within hours of being posted Thursday.

Screen images show Perla Morales-Luna struggling with officers as she is arrested.

One of the videos posted to Facebook by Judith Castro-Rangel with her commentary has received about 7 million views since being posted at 10:41 a.m. EST. Castro-Rangel claims to be a teacher of one of the woman’s daughters. Her Facebook page states she is a “Special Education Aide at MAAC Community Charter School
Special Education Aide · August 17, 2017 to present”.

Another video taken from a different perspective appears to have been taken down by Castro-Rangel but has been re-posted elsewhere online. That video included a comment by the man filming the arrest in which he called the Border Patrol agents, “faggots.”

Copies of the videos were posted to YouTube by Latino Rebels which also reported on the incident.

The videos were also posted to Twitter (with inflammatory commentary) by reporter Luis Gomez with the San Diego Union-Tribune, “[WARNING: Video might be disturbing to watch] Horrifying scene in National City (near San Diego) where Border Patrol agents stop a family in the middle of the street, forcibly take the mother of these girls, shove her into a patrol vehicle, then drive away. (1 of 2 videos)…[WARNING: Disturbing video] Another camera records the same incident but from a different angle. I’m trying to track down more information on these two videos. They were posted by someone on Facebook claiming to be a teacher of these girls. (2 of 2 videos)”

San Diego Customs and Border Protection responded on Twitter to media inquiries, stating, “Perla Morales-Luna was identified as an organizer for a transnational criminal smuggling organization operating in East County, San Diego. She was arrested as a result of a targeted operation on March 3, 2018, in National City for being in the country illegally.”

Responding to a question by Latino Rebels, CPB declined to name the smuggling organization, “Sorry – we can not release as this is part of an active investigation.”

Judith Castro-Rangel posted her comments on the video to Facebook in Spanish with an English translation.

‼️Por favor compartan‼️

me rompe el corazón saber que esta es la madre de una de mis estudiantes.
La brutalizad, injusticia que está pasando en este país es triste 😔 mi gente, esta batalla sigue y no debemos de darnos por vencidos. Estaré al tanto de el desarrollo de este caso. Por favor compartan.

Sucedió en National City, (San Diego,CA) mientras ellas caminaban a ir a pagar la renta de su hogar.
Los sujetos vestidos como civiles detuvieron a Perla Morales al frente de sus tres hijas quien los Border Patrol dejaron solas después de brutalmente detener a su madre.

Esto debe de tomar cambio no más separación de familias! ‼️‼️🇺🇸🇺🇸
Publicado con permiso de -disclosed

#undocumedia UndocuMedia Telemundo UNIVISION San Diego #sandiego #deportacion -#justicia #nomas #reformaya

! ️Please share! ️
It breaks my heart to know that this is the mother of one of my students
The brutalized, injustice that is happening in this country is sad 😔 my people, this battle continues and we should not give up. I will be aware of the development of this case. Please share.
It Happened in National City, (San Diego, CA)
The subjects dressed as civilians detained Perla Morales at the head of her three daughters whom the Border Patrol left alone after brutally arresting their mother.
This must take change no more separation from families! ! ️! ️🇺🇸🇺🇸
Published with permission from -disclosed

Castro-Rangel posted additional commentary (in English) about the arrest to Facebook Thursday morning :

Many undocumented Mothers, Fathers, and Dreamers are being detained just because they have committed the “crime” of coming into this country to provide their children with a greater opportunity.

For those asking why a mother or innocent people get arrested it’s because of that.

In America it is a crime to be a dreamer to be better and to provide their children with a future.

In California ICE is cracking on undocumented wether or not they have criminal history.”

Former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer Tim Hogan spoke for many liberals about the arrest, “This is horrifying. It makes me sick, but everyone should watch this through to the end. If some days you feel isolated from the effects of the Trump Administration, give yourself a dose of fucking reality and witness what people are going through. This is Trump’s America.

Yes, this is Trump’s America, and the America of like-minded citizens fed up with their nation being overrun by illegal aliens abetted by the Establishment.

The post Viral Videos=> Border Patrol Arrests Illegal Alien Mother Involved in Smuggling Ring as Her Children Cry appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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