
With a Legal Team Shake-Up, Trump Boasts of Law Firms Clamoring to Be His Russia Counsel

- Maret 25, 2018

This is someone sweating, so don’t be fooled.

We kind of knew the weekend was going to be a little manic for President Trump. The suspicion was that he’d be tweeting out his frustrations with the growing pressures of the Stormy Daniels interview and the ever-pressing Mueller Russia probe.

He began his Sunday lying… lying like a dog!

Specifically, he addressed the chaos with the legal team working on his Russia case, and he wants us all to know that things are not just fine, but better than fine!

The realities are that John Dowd, the top attorney working the case bailed on him last week, a few days after suggesting that the investigation be shut down. He also said that he was speaking on the president’s behalf.

Within hours, he backpedaled and said that he was only speaking for himself.

Not surprisingly, after stepping down, he circled back and said that he actually was speaking at Trump’s direction.

Dowd’s exit was likely precipitated by Trump bringing in Joe diGenova, a Fox News guest who spouted conspiracy theories about the investigation being a plot by the “deep state” and U.S. intelligence to bring down Trump.

Now, there are reports that diGenova met with the remaining lawyers to discuss the case, and whatever nonsense he spewed for the MAGAdooks watching Fox News, he’s not as devoted to in practice, so he’s already given a hearty, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and made a lunge for the exit.

(A wonderful individual on social media mused, “What’s that? Half a Scaramucci?”)

There’s also whispers of the impending exit of White House counsel Don McGahn, frustrated with a client who refuses to take counsel.

Let Trump be Trump, indeed.

None of that is keeping Trump from boasting of all the counsel clamoring to represent him.

That’s right. It’s the fault of greedy lawyers. I’m sure hearing that is going to really draw in offers of help.

What we know is that at the beginning of this process, Trump courted multiple New York legal firms and was turned down by multiple firms for several reasons, not the least of which is that New York lawyers know the man. He has a history of not paying his bills and if they put their reputations on the line to work such a high profile case, they expect to get paid.

That, and the fact that the man is his own worst enemy, creating suspicion when if he’d just remain silent and stay off of Twitter, he could likely avoid, makes him the worst possible client.

Trump has become increasingly unhinged, as reports of Robert Mueller’s efforts seem to be moving him closer to Trump, rather than further away.







The post With a Legal Team Shake-Up, Trump Boasts of Law Firms Clamoring to Be His Russia Counsel appeared first on RedState.


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