
Dirty Cop Mueller Investigating Trump for $150,000 Donation from Ukrainian Oligarch …Who Gave $13 Million to the Clintons

- April 10, 2018

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk with Bill Clinton. (Pinchuk Foundation)

Dirty cop Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating President Trump for a $150,000 donation from Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk to the Trump Foundation for charity work.

Business Insider reported:

** The special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly probing a $150,000 donation a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch made to the Trump Foundation in September 2015.
** The oligarch, Victor Pinchuk, made the donation after then-candidate Donald Trump gave a 20-minute speech at a European conference that promoted closer ties between Ukraine and the West.
** Pinchuk has previously advocated for making compromises with Russia to resolve the conflict with Ukraine.
** The donation was reportedly solicited by Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, whose offices were raided by the FBI as part of a separate investigation on Monday.

However, this same Ukrainian oligarch gave $13 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Of course, it always works out that way.

All roads lead back to the Clinton crime family.

Via Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller:

The special counsel’s office is investigating a $150,000 donation a Ukrainian businessman made to President Donald Trump’s charity in 2015, according to a new report.

The donation, from steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, pales in comparison to contributions he gave to the charity Bill and Hillary Clinton set up. The billionaire has contributed $13 million to the Clinton Foundation since 2006 and had access to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state.

But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons. Instead, he is conducting a broad investigation of Donald Trump, including the flow of foreign money into various Trump-controlled entities.

Chelsea Clinton and Victor Pinchuk

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