
Dirty Cop Mueller Now Questioning Russian Oligarchs Traveling to US – Scans Electronics

- April 05, 2018

Robert Mueller is desperate to keep his Russia witch hunt alive so he can draw a fat paycheck while he works to destroy President Trump.

The Special Counsel is now questioning traveling Russian Oligarchs as soon as they land in the US.

Mueller’s team of liberal hacks even went as far as scanning one of the Russian’s electronic devices after his private jet landed in New York.

CNN reported:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has taken the unusual step of questioning Russian oligarchs who traveled into the US, stopping at least one and searching his electronic devices when his private jet landed at a New York area airport, according to multiple sources familiar with the inquiry.

A second Russian oligarch was stopped during a recent trip to the US, although it is not clear if he was searched, according to a person briefed on the matter.
Mueller’s team has also made an informal voluntary document and interview request to a third Russian oligarch who has not traveled to the US recently.
The situations have one thing in common: Investigators are asking whether wealthy Russians illegally funneled cash donations directly or indirectly into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and inauguration.
Investigators’ interest in Russian oligarchs has not been previously reported. It reveals that Mueller’s team has intensified its focus into the potential flow of money from Russia into the US election as part of its wide-ranging investigation into whether the Trump team colluded with Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

It gets worse. According to sources, Mueller’s team is even looking to see if any of these Russian Oligarchs have investments in American companies or think tanks that have PACs that may have donated to Trump’s campaign.

Basically Mueller is looking to see if any of these wealthy Russians donated to Trump’s campaign as ‘straw donors.’

Meanwhile Bernie Sanders colluded with Australians and was hit with a fine by the FEC.

Hillary Clinton illegally spied on Trump’s camp and also took millions and millions of dollars from foreigners through her slush fund Clinton Foundation, but Mueller is roving around obsessing over Trump-Russia.

On Tuesday, Attorney Gregg Jarrett called on Rosenstein and “unethical Mueller” to resign after a damning Rosenstein memo surfaced.

In the heavily redacted memo, Robert Mueller admits Rosenstein’s order appointing him to Special Counsel was intentionally vague.

“This violates the special counsel law that requires a specific statement of facts to be investigated,” says Attorney Gregg Jarrett.


The post Dirty Cop Mueller Now Questioning Russian Oligarchs Traveling to US – Scans Electronics appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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