
James Woods Pulverizes Deranged Psychologist Who Hoped For “Major Damage” Following Blaze at Trump Tower

- April 08, 2018

As TGP’s Josh Caplan just reported, a large fire broke out at Trump Tower in New York City Saturday evening around 6 PM EST.

Debris was also seen falling from the building.

A 67-year-old man died after being rushed to the hospital and four NY firefighters suffered injuries.

Liberals immediately cheered and spread absurd conspiracy theories after news broke of the blaze.

Videos of the blaze:

President Trump sent out a tweet shortly after news of the blaze broke.

Trump tweeted: Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!

A sane person prays for everyone’s safety and hopes firefighters put the blaze out as quickly as possible.

Vile liberals on the other hand cheered after Trump Tower caught on fire.

Mental Health Counselor Jeffrey Guterman immediately cheered the blaze and ‘hoped for major damage.’

The backlash from Trump supporters was intense.

James Woods pulverized the deranged psychologist in a ferocious tweetstorm.

Eric Trump slammed Guterman as well.

Others piled on.

Update: Jeffrey Guterman, in a panic, deleted his tweets cheering the Trump Tower blaze.

We have screenshots, however. Someone should tell him the internet is forever.

The post James Woods Pulverizes Deranged Psychologist Who Hoped For “Major Damage” Following Blaze at Trump Tower appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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