
New Poll Sizes Up Andrew Cuomo’s 2nd Term; Will Hillary Help or Hurt?

- Mei 22, 2018

Great news! New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has received the endorsement of…

Hillary Clinton.

Clinton — the Democratic Party’s belligerent pariah —  has refused to remove herself from the political spotlight, no matter how much her collegues would like for her to go. In fact, as revealed by HuffPost, the embittered loser of the 2016 presidential election is set to speak for Governor Andrew on Wednesday, at the state Democratic convention in Long Island.

In a bizarre turn of events, Cuomo’s challenger is the former star of something former First Lady Clinton’s husband knows a great deal about: Sex and the City.

Actress Cynthia Nixon will vie for the job in the September 13th primary.

However, a recent study by Quinnipiac University gives Cuomo a 22-point lead.

Andrew and the Clintons have a long history: he served as housing secretary during Slick Willy’s White House occupation.

Clinton is, in a sense, repaying the Governor for his endorsement during her humiliating White House bid.

Talking to Bloomberg in 2015, Nixon indicated similar support:

“I am definitely a Hillary person.”

Apparently, Hillary is still thought by some to have political currency. North Dakota Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp is not among those:

Furthermore, Hill isn’t known for bringing people together. In fact, she only appeals to people who are “optimistic” and not sinisterly racist, woman-hating bastards:

Andrew Cuomo could do with replacing. He’s been no friend to the 2nd Amendment, resulting in a lawsuit by the NRA; and liberal protestors have previously dubbed him “Governor 1 Percent.” Perhaps he believes the Hillary Clinton brand is just what he needs.

If Nixon wins, I suppose, this will be one more gut punch to the defiantly robust ego of Hillary Rodham Clinton.



Wanna read about the opposite of Hillary? Please take a look at my article on the virtues of Barbara Bush.


Don’t be a sinister, woman-hating racist; follow Alex Parker on Twitter.




The post New Poll Sizes Up Andrew Cuomo’s 2nd Term; Will Hillary Help or Hurt? appeared first on RedState.


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