
Obama Admin Attorneys Team with Seth Rich’s Brother – Sue Private Eye Team Investigating Seth Rich

- Mei 26, 2018

A team of private eyes investigating the death of Seth Rich are facing two major lawsuits prosecuted by high-powered Democratic establishment attorneys for uncovering evidence that insinuates the slain DNC staffer’s murder was politically motivated.

Aaron Rich, the brother of Seth Rich, filed a lawsuit in April in US District Court in the District of Columbia, against America First Media accusing conservative activist Matt Couch and other individuals and media organizations for peddling “false and unfounded claims” about him and acting “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

The lawyer representing Aaron Rich, Michael J. Gottlieb, recently concluded four years of service with the Obama Administration.

He served as Special Assistant to the President and Associate White House Counsel from 2009- 2010, where he focused on national security law and judicial nominations.

In January 2010, he left the White House to serve as Senior Civilian and Deputy Director of Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435 in Kabul Afghanistan. Following his time in Afghanistan, Gottlieb returned to the White House Counsel’s Office, where he served until the end of February 2013.

A second attorney prosecuting Aaron Rich’s case is David Boies, chairman of the law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner. Boies has been involved in various high-profile cases in the United States, including United States v. Microsoft Corp.Bush v. Gore and the defense of Harvey Weinstein against sexual abuse allegations.

In an interview with The Gateway Pundit, Matt Couch questioned how Rich, whose family couldn’t afford a private investigator, is able to afford the high powered legal team comprised of Obama’s White House counsel.

“This is who Aaron Rich gets to represent against our team – can you imagine what it would charge to hire Harvey Weinstein’s defense lawyer?  I don’t know how Rich hired these attorneys – the Rich family couldn’t even afford a private investigator, that’s why Ed Butowski offered to pay for Rod Wheeler,” he said. “But now they can afford the most expensive and powerful Democratic law firms in the country – how does that happen?”

The suit is the Democratic establishment’s attempt to stifle independent investigations, Couch argued,  because if the DNC truly wanted justice for Rich they would have offered reward money to find Rich’s killers and would have availed its server to the FBI after the alleged hack.

“They thought Hillary would win and they would move on with business as usual, and this would never be talked about. The bike rack – that’s the only thing they’ve ever done. It’s amazing, we haven’t seen anyone from the DNC – no one – has cried out for justice in this murder. Not one Democratic politician has mentioned Seth Rich, think about that,” he said. “Out of all the Democrats in Congress, Senate, the Department of Justice, not one Democrat has ever mentioned wanting to see justice done the Seth Rich case.”


Couch’s investigative team is comprised of former veteran law enforcement officers who have longstanding background investigator credentials, including Frank Whalen, former head of NYPD Homicide for 23 years, Bill Pierce, who has worked as a private investigator for 24 years in multiple states, Hannibal Moot, Investigative researcher and editor of Bull Truth Magazine and the current Metro SWAT Commander whose is name Couch won’t disclose for safety.


“The DNC destroyed the servers,” he said. “If you really thought you were hacked by a foreign entity, would you not go to the FBI? Why would you go to an outside firm?”

Rich was murdered July 10, 2016, near his affluent neighborhood in Washington, D.C. He was shot in the back with a handgun at 4:18 a.m. while he walked home, and nothing was taken from him. He was transported to a local hospital and was pronounced dead at 5:57 a.m.

On July 22, just 12 days after Rich’s death and days before the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia, WikiLeaks began publishing 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments from top DNC officials, leading to speculation that Rich was the source of party emails turned over to WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has not only repeatedly denied that Russia or any “state party” was involved in the leaking of DNC emails, he has also appeared to hint that Rich might have been the source.

The Rich family’s insistence that investigating whether Rich leaked emails is “hurtful” and “defamatory,” is alarming, Couch explained.

“They don’t want this solved – I get in trouble for saying that, but I am a father. If something happened to one of my kids, I would not rest until I find out who killed them, regardless of where it leads. Anyone who has kids, there’s no way you would roll over and accept a scenario of ‘we’ll never know what happened to him,’” he said. “They are not giving any information.”

“They wouldn’t give their [private investigator] Rod Wheeler Seth’s phone, the phone records, the laptop.” he continued. “I just don’t understand why they don’t want to know who killed their son, their brother? Whether or not you believe their botched robbery narrative – I don’t – there is still a murderer on the loose.”


The mainstream media networks have ignored recent revelations concerning Rich’s case. The little coverage they have spent on the investigation has been devoted to dismissing speculation surrounding Rich’s murder as “conspiracy.

But it’s not a conspiracy theory that the DNC issued checks to the cyber security firm, CrowdStrike hours after Rich was fatally shot, Couch contends.

“We found the two large payments. One, the day after Seth Rich was murdered and the other the day after Shawn Lucas was found mysteriously dead, face down, in his bathroom at 38 years old in DC. Both connected to the DNC, Lucas with the DNC lawsuit and Rich was a DNC employee. You start putting all of this together – how am I a “conspiracy theorist” for presenting you with the facts?”


The “hurtful conspiracies” surrounding Rich breaching DNC data would end if law enforcement would release the autopsy, ballistics report and medical examiner report, documents that are typically made public in homicide investigations, Couch argued.

“The MPD insists that they have lost all leads. If they have exhausted all leads, why don’t they hand investigators and journalists the ballistics report, why don’t they give us the autopsy, why don’t they tell us the caliber of weapon that was used, why don’t they give us the surveillance video? If they really want to hush the “conspiracy” stuff up, why are they hiding all of this information? Where is the body cam footage of the 4 or 6 officers?”

Couch is facing a second lawsuit that was filed Monday by Brad Bauman, a Democratic political crisis consultant with the Pastorum Group and former spokesperson for the family of Seth Rich.

According to CNN, Bauman, filed the lawsuit in US District Court for the District of Columbia seeking monetary relief and court-ordered solutions, known as injunctive relief, asking for “false and defamatory materials to be removed from any websites over which defendants have control.”

Couch has yet to be served, he first learned about Bauman’s lawsuit from CNN.

“How in the world does CNN have a 15 or 20 graph article up before I’ve even been served papers?” he wondered. “Bauman is upset that I called him a crisis management expert, according to the CNN article – it’s pretty remarkable. You are talking about a guy from the Pastorum Group, their own website states that they are professional crisis management – that’s what they do.

“The reason I called him a crisis expert is because on August 11, 2016, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, guess what they called him? A ‘professional crisis’ fixer. Our team is always used the same terminology that WikiLeaks used and Julian Assange. WikiLeaks put that out about Brad Bauman, that was the day after Assange first mentioned Seth Rich on that TV show.”

Couch denied Bauman and Rich’s claims that he is benefitting monetarily from YouTube and Periscope by “peddling conspiracies” about Seth.

It’s frivolous what we are fighting here with these lawsuits. We have a freedom of the press. Everything that we have reported has been 100 percent from our sources. Aaron claims that we doxed where he worked – a complete fallacy. He had a professional LinkedIn profile and it showed where he works, Northrop Grumman on a defense contract. It was on Reddit, it was in the Jewish Free Press – all of these different publications have all of this information out there. Yet, he is suing us for reporting where he worked and they all put the information out first.”

He continued: “I am a conservative journalist, I was ‘permanently banned’ from monetization on Periscope and cannot be a super broadcaster a month or two after I started Periscoping. We have never made a dime on Periscope, we’ve never made a dime on YouTube. I don’t have a platform of a Sean Hannity or a Tucker Carlson. How in the world is a guy from Arkansas who has a group of 10 patriots from around the country with no tv, no radio platform on a national level. How are we that big of a threat to these folks?”


The post Obama Admin Attorneys Team with Seth Rich’s Brother – Sue Private Eye Team Investigating Seth Rich appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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