
PREACH IT!… Judge Jeanine: JEFF SESSIONS is the Most Dangerous Person in the US Government Today! (VIDEO)

- Mei 20, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

For months we have argued that Jeff Sessions is dangerous. In November 2017 we called him the modern day Benedict Arnold for not investigating Obama and Clinton’s Uranium One scandal.

Tonight Judge Jeanine stated that Sessions is the most dangerous person in the corrupt Deep State.

On her weekly show on FOX News, Judge Jeanine in her opening statement said that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the most dangerous person in the US government (at the 1:50 mark in video below) –

But what ladies and gentlemen is unmistakable in all of this is that the single most dangerous person to the agenda of President Trump, the Republican Party and ultimately all Americans, is the Attorney General of the United States himself, Jeff Sessions.

The man has done nothing to make anyone responsible for the blatant corruption, the unmistakable perjury, the in-your-face obstruction of our laws that we’ve seen play out every day.  He has fought the release of telling documents that would put an end to this horrible period in America’s political history.  Documents that would make clear that the criminals in this attempt to overthrow an American President.  He’s even argued that he doesn’t want to release records of Hillary because she’s now a private citizen.

This man’s done nothing to create confidence that wrong doers will be accountable, answerable.  He’s done nothing to create confidence on the part of the American people in our system of justice.

In March 2018, we listed the following 12 reasons why AG Sessions should be removed from office now –

1. After accepting the AG job, the next day Sessions recused himself from everything Russia and turned over the US AG Office to the deep state. We now know that the law he quoted to recuse himself was the wrong law and was provided by Obama attorneys.

2. Corrupt and criminal Rod Rosenstein is now running the AG Office, not Sessions. Rosenstein is connected to the Uranium One scandal. When asked, Sessions stated to Congress that Asst AG Rosenstein can investigate himself in a Uranium One criminal probe.

3. It took Sessions months to fire FBI criminal Andy McCabe finally on Friday evening [March 16]. McCabe should have been fired months ago. Maybe he wasn’t fired sooner because McCabe threatened to take others down with him.

4. Corrupt and criminal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are still employed by the FBI [as of March 18th the date of this initial post – Lisa Page has subsequently resigned from the FBI, but Strzok is still employed]. They have numerous text messages that show criminal and corrupt actions related to the Hillary email scandal, FISA abuse and the Mueller investigation. Most recently, texts were uncovered by Congress that show they had a relationship with the FISA Court judge who sentenced General Flynn and later was recused. They should not be employed, they should be in jail!

5. Robert Mueller’s criminal and corrupt witch hunt is still in place. It was created on a lie and is still in place after millions of wasted tax payer money. The Mueller investigation is criminal but Sessions won’t shut it down. Mueller is best friends with former FBI Director James Comey and he won’t recuse himself. This investigation is a farce.

6. Mueller’s entire team is made up of the likes of Strzok and Page. It’s a witch-hunt. The entire team is corrupt and criminal. They should all be in jail.

7. Hillary is still walking around – in India no less [in March 2018]. Her email fiasco was criminal. Much evidence shows that she was let go before even being interviewed. She destroyed evidence and obstructed justice but she walks free. There is no investigation from AG Sessions to date covering the criminal Clintons.

8. Uranium One and the sale of 20% of US uranium is yet to be investigated by AG Sessions. This is the real Russia collusion and Sessions won’t touch it.

9. Joe Biden and John Kerry are now embroiled in another Obama – Clinton related play for pay scheme with China. The AG is nowhere to be found.

10. James Clapper, the former disgraced NSA Director was allowed to walk this past week [in mid-March 2018] after lying under oath to Congress due to the statute of limitations. His lying was depicted in the movie “Snowden”.

11. The IRS scandal under Obama involved Mueller and yet Sessions has done nothing to address turning the other way rather than seeking justice.

12. Every day the DOJ and FBI are delaying evidence being requested by Congress or Judicial Watch. Names are redacted for no reason other than to cover up Deep State crimes. Sessions allows this and his actions arguably show he is behind it.

The country and the President deserve justice and a strong AG. Jeff Sessions is the opposite. His actions are abysmal and non-existent. America needs justice now. Jeff Sessions must go!


The post PREACH IT!… Judge Jeanine: JEFF SESSIONS is the Most Dangerous Person in the US Government Today! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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