
SHOCKING VIDEO: MI Teacher’s Union Admits Huge Payout to Teacher Accused of Molestation

- Mei 10, 2018

James O’Keefe’s organization Project Veritas has spent the last few month embroiled in yet another court battle. This time the issue at hand was their right to air video from an undercover investigation regarding a teacher’s union payout to a teacher accused of pedophilia.

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in Michigan had apparently been presented with a problem – a teacher in one of their school districts had been accused of child molestation by a student. An investigation found the accusations credible, but ultimately the AFT found it easier to pay this teacher a whopping $50,000 to just disappear.

The teacher in question was never formally charged and retains his license to teach.

Project Veritas outlined some of the findings of the video they fought so hard to release.

  • Michigan American Federation of Teachers Negotiated Over $50,000 Payout for School District to Pay Health Teacher Who Allegedly Molested “Third-Grader”

  • Field Rep Corroborates Allegations Noted in Documents From AFT Michigan Office

  • Superintendent Tried to Terminate Teacher, Union Negotiated Payoff and Allowed Him to Resign Quietly

  • Union’s Attorney Told Teacher They Would Find a Way To “Make it Convenient” for Him to Leave

  • Former Teacher Denies All Accusations of Wrongdoing, Was Never Charged

  • AFT Field Rep: “He knows what he did, if he did something inappropriate… he wanted to run.”

This isn’t about good teachers or besmirching those who work to educate our children with grace and commitment. This is about a longstanding problem with teacher’s unions, and how those unions have morphed into entities who place the needs and safety of American students at the bottom of their list. It’s reprehensible and good teachers should not be required to be chained to these self-interested behemoths in order to maintain employment or secure wage increases.

Watch the full video below and as O’Keefe warns, while you watching “remember the AFT in Michigan went to court twice trying to block it’s release”.

As you watch this video remember the AFT in Michigan went to court twice trying to block it’s release.

She stated that the teacher placed his hands under the sheets and touched the inner portion of her thigh.


The post SHOCKING VIDEO: MI Teacher’s Union Admits Huge Payout to Teacher Accused of Molestation appeared first on RedState.


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