The mainstream media’s war with Donald Trump — and the truth — continues.
On CNN’s Sunday installment of Reliable Sources — a show which merits a new Emmy category for Most Ironically-Named Program — host Brian Stelter declared day 470 of what the pundit designated a “credibility crisis” for the White House. Not surprisingly, Stelter completely ignored the incredible gaffes in media coverage over the past eight days, which constituted a “no good, very bad week” according to The Daily Caller. TDC observed:
“The establishment media suffered a series of self-inflicted wounds this week that diminished its own credibility far more than the president ever could.”
Blunders included the April 28th White House Correspondent’s Dinner — an event meant to award the best in reporting and to benefit scholarships for journalism — which turned into a shamefully partisan slinging of mud, compliments of guest Michelle Wolf. The comedienne raged against White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, blasting her as an “Uncle Tom…for white women who disappoint other white women.”
On Monday, major news outlets trumpeted the NRA’s banning of guns from its own assembly due to Vice President Mike Pence’s scheduled appearance. The moratorium, in fact, was imposed by the secret Service as per their policy. Oops.
NBC humiliated itself by reportedly coercing female staffers to sign a letter of support for Tom Brokaw in light of sexual harassment allegations against the news veteran. Furthermore, anchors were to told to cover the letter on-air.
During Thursday’s National Day of Prayer event at the White House, in a show of breathtakingly bad decorum, a reporter shouted a question to the President about Stormy Daniels, prompting one attendee to call out the disruptor with “Shame on you!”
Additionally, NBC claimed that Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s phone calls had been listened to by federal investigators. Rampant coverage from the mainstream ensued. Alas, the story was discredited.
Despite this collection of pitiful failures on the part of organizations tasked with reliably and objectively chronicling the facts, Stelter took something wholly different from the events of the last several days. Coming out of a story about the deaths of 10 journalists in Afghanistan, he segued thusly:
“But first, back here in the U.S., enough is enough. The lies, the deceit, the fear mongering. Journalists increasingly are feeling empowered to call out the Trump White House’s lies.”
Later, Stelter announced, “The Trump presidency — this is what a crisis of leadership looks and feels like. Every week, another scandal. Every week, another cover-up.”
Stelter was employing excellent words to convey a spectacular lack of trustworthiness and integrity; he simply aimed his remarks errantly. His description would have more fittingly applied to his own industry of irresponsibility, particularly as it relates to the presidency of Donald J. Trump:
“This week, I have to admit I chuckled at some of the banners on screen—some of the headlines calling this a…credibility crisis. I mean, that is true. That’s objectively true. It is a crisis, but it’s been true since day one.”
The post Unreliable Sources: This Was Brian Stelter’s Takeaway From a Week of Media Disasters appeared first on RedState.