On Thursday, the U.S. military reported it had not increased its already-high level of alert toward North Korea after President Trump cancelled the much-hailed June 12th summit due to Kim Jong-un’s currently threatening posture.
In a morning letter sent to Trump by North Korean Foreign Ministry Vice Minister — and longtime nuclear negotiator — Choe Son Hui, hostility ran rampant, with the asian country calling Mike Pence a “dummy” and heaving a doozy of a threat:
“Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States.”
Of course, the media prefer instead to print Trump’s letter, calling his decision “bad timing” or “dangerous.” But the reality is, if you’re truly a master of the art of the deal, you don’t meet with someone who threatens to disintegrate you.
Speaking of extermination, the U.S. has its own nuclear mojo and, according to Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie, it’s all primed:
“There is a high state of vigilance – the state of vigilance that we always have because [North Korea has] proven to be unpredictable in the past. But it is not a heightened state of vigilance. It is the normal state of vigilance that we maintain.”
In the meantime, government intelligence is trying to assess the validity of Kim’s claim they blew up tunnels at their main nuclear test site, symbolizing a willingness to at least diminish their nuclear program.
Of course, one can hardly trust that they’re downgrading, as they threaten us with a “showdown.”
And so, we’re ready. And waiting. McKenzie explains:
“We’ll see what develops over the next few days, if any provocative actions occur from [North Korea], we will certainly, in concert with our allies and partners in the region, be ready for it.”
Before the world blows up, follow Alex Parker on Twitter.
And check out some earlier Trump-Kim showdown drama here.
Also, if you’re up for it, read North Korea’s letter in its entirety below:
At an interview with Fox News on May 21, US Vice-President Pence made unbridled and impudent remarks that North Korea might end like Libya, military option for North Korea never came off the table, the US needs complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation, and so on.
As a person involved in the US affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the US vice-president.If he is vice-president of “single superpower” as is in name, it will be proper for him to know even a little bit about the current state of global affairs and to sense to a certain degree the trends in dialogue and the climate of détente.
We could surmise more than enough what a political dummy he is as he is trying to compare the DPRK, a nuclear weapon state, to Libya that had simply installed a few items of equipment and fiddled around with them.Soon after the White House National Security Adviser Bolton made the reckless remarks, Vice-President Pence has again spat out nonsense that the DPRK would follow in Libya’s footstep.
It is to be underlined, however, that in order not to follow in Libya’s footstep, we paid a heavy price to build up our powerful and reliable strength that can defend ourselves and safeguard peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the region.
In view of the remarks of the US high-ranking politicians who have not yet woken up to this stark reality and compare the DPRK to Libya that met a tragic fate, I come to think that they know too little about us.
To borrow their words, we can also make the US taste an appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined up to now.
Before making such reckless threatening remarks without knowing exactly who he is facing, Pence should have seriously considered the terrible consequences of his words.
It is the US who has asked for dialogue, but now it is misleading the public opinion as if we have invited them to sit with us.
I only wonder what is the ulterior motive behind its move and what is it the US has calculated to gain from that.
We will neither beg the US for dialogue nor take the trouble to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us.
Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States.
In case the US offends against our goodwill and clings to unlawful and outrageous acts, I will put forward a suggestion to our supreme leadership for reconsidering the DPRK-US summit.
The post U.S. Military Reports Alert Status in Light of Tense North Korea Summit Situation appeared first on RedState.