
Water Cooler 5/10/18 – Open Thread – Haley Calls For Regime Change In Venezuela ??? Snowflakes Melted By Criticism

- Mei 11, 2018

Nikki Haley Calls For Regime Change in Venezuela

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called on Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro to step down on Tuesday, calling the elections scheduled for May 20 a “sham.” She noted that Venezuelan migrants are causing a crisis in Latin America similar to the crisis of Syrian migrants in Europe, and that Venezuela’s “implosion” represents a threat to Latin America.

“The systematic oppression of the Venezuelan people has become an active threat to the entire region,” Haley declared at a conference on Latin America at the State Department. “For the safety and the security of all people in Latin America, it is time for Maduro to go.”

–PJ Media

Pretty much long overdue. Venezuela has degenerated from one of the leading nations in the region to a punch line, proof that even having enormous natural wealth isn’t enough to make a nation work. As things stand people are leaving the country in droves.

Geneva (AFP) – At least one million people have entered Colombia from Venezuela since President Nicolas Maduro’s government descended into crisis last year, a senior Red Cross official told AFP Wednesday.

The health director at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Emanuele Capobianco, said that not all have stayed in Colombia as displaced people, with some moving on to other countries in the region.

— Yahoo

When a county goes from regional leader to punch line for bad jokes in no time flat, it just might be time to change your government.

They Were Deeply Hurt By Criticism, Awwwwww

At some point you have to think there’s going to be a Tsunami of litigation against liberal universities. They have deep pockets, arrogant and offensive personalities and regularly do unconscionable damage to their customers. Hard to think of better targets for the litigious. This is why it’s so surprising that they don’t curb behaviors like this.

A State University of New York at Oswego administrator has reprimanded a conservative student for delivering an “uncomfortable” speech during an “Open Mic” event last month.

According to an email obtained by Campus Reform, the school’s Alcohol and Other Drug Program Coordinator, Trisha DeWolf, contacted student Nicole Miller on May 2, stressing that some Open Mic attendees were disturbed by her presentation criticizing liberal intolerance on campus.

“It was brought to my attention that students were uncomfortable with the letter that Nicole read during open mic last week,” the official wrote in the email. “While I am in support of your freedom of speech, I was implored to reach out you both by more than one student.”

“Anytime I receive a complaint I have to follow up,” she continued. “The unwritten policy has always been after one complaint, you receive a verbal warning and any complaint after than may result in being asked to not perform at open mic. I’ve already had to utilize this unwritten rule once this semester.”

–Campus Reform

Unwritten rules ? I suppose they go with randomized record keeping and selective enforcement. The kicker is the Open Mic speech was about how intolerant and hurtful the left had been in the past to conservative women on campus.

The letter, which Miller read during the event at the school’s Lifestyle Center, describes the experience of a “conservative woman” on a “liberal campus” and criticises liberal students for their treatment of Republican classmates.

“I’ve been on this campus for almost 3 years now and let me tell you it’s been hard to show my beliefs here,” the letter reads. “I’ve heard horror stories from other conservatives on this campus about the brutal mental and emotional attacks on them. I’ve had them myself. It sickens me to death that the people that preach tolerance and acceptance of all people are so openly against us and our beliefs.

Apparently unwritten rules and two strikes your out policies weren’t needed when the targets are conservatives.

Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today. As always it’s an open thread

The post Water Cooler 5/10/18 – Open Thread – Haley Calls For Regime Change In Venezuela ??? Snowflakes Melted By Criticism appeared first on RedState.


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