
Abortionists Caught Failing to Report Sexual Abuse

- Juni 21, 2018

Nine Indiana abortionists were caught performing abortions on girls as young as 12 years old without reporting the sexual abuse or statutory rape to law enforcement as required by law. Life News reports reports that these nine practitioners failed to report in 48 such cases since July 1, 2017.

One practitioner is of exceptional concern. Indiana Right to Life said:

The pro-life community is especially concerned with the apparent non-reporting of underage abortions by abortion doctor Glazer. Glazer has 11 complaints filed against him, including for not notifying DCS of an abortion on a 12-year-old girl. Glazer was recently listed as the medical director for Whole Women’s Health Alliance’s proposed abortion facility in South Bend. The state denied its license application citing poor character and integrity of that company.

Cathie Humbarger, Vice President of Policy Enforcement for Indiana Right to Life told LifeNews:

The 48 complaints represent a widespread problem throughout Indiana’s abortion industry. These nine abortion doctors must be held accountable. Their alleged negligence has further victimized the children suffering at the hands of their perpetrators. We call on the Indiana Medical Licensing Board, the Indiana State Department of Health and local prosecutors to take appropriate action against these abortion doctors, including review of their medical licenses and fines for each non-report. Possible cover-up of child sexual abuse cannot be tolerated. An immediate suspension of licenses for abortion facilities may be in order pending a complete investigation.

Lafayette’s Planned Parenthood clinic is facing two additional complaints for reporting two surgical abortions when they are only permitted to do chemical abortions.

Under Indiana law, abortions performed on girls under the age of 16 must be reported to the Indiana State Department of Health and the Indiana Department of Child Services within 3 days. Monica Siefker from Right to Life Bloomington said that ignoring this law could potentially cover sexual abuse. “Given that as high as one in four girls may experience sexual abuse before they turn 18,” she said, “it’s likely that some of these pregnancies were not the result of consensual activity.”

The post Abortionists Caught Failing to Report Sexual Abuse appeared first on RedState.


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