
WikiLeaks Moves in With Kill Shot After Crooked Hillary Trolls Comey

- Juni 16, 2018

Crooked Hillary Clinton trolled Comey from her Twitter account Thursday afternoon after the IG report revealed Comey used a Gmail account to conduct FBI business.

Hillary tweeted: “But my emails.”

WikiLeaks utterly destroyed Crooked Hillary Clinton Friday.

In a grotesque display of unabated hubris, Hillary Clinton tweeted, “But my emails.”

WikiLeaks moved in with a kill shot early Friday morning.

“They’re here–at least the half you didn’t manage to destroy,” tweeted WikiLeaks with a link to an archive of Hillary’s emails from her private server when she was Secretary of State.

WikiLeaks did a lot of damage to Hillary Clinton’s campagin after they disseminated the DNC emails and Podesta emails during the 2016 election.

The other half of Hillary’s emails from her private server where she innocently discussed Chelsea’s wedding and Yoga were destroyed with BleachBit.

Congressman DeSantis reminded Hillary of that on Thursday in an epic smackdown.

The post WikiLeaks Moves in With Kill Shot After Crooked Hillary Trolls Comey appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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