
4th Grader Questioned By School Officials Over Parents’ .22 Rifle

- Juli 15, 2018

A Gateway Pundit EXCLUSIVE.

It started off as a casual conversation between two 10 year olds. It ended with one of them in tears, scared of being punished by school officials, and a mother wondering WTF.

A 4th grader at Jackson Elementary School in Everett, Washington, Riley Malone was talking with one of his classmates this past May. They got on the subject of guns, and Riley mentioned that he had a .22 bolt action rifle and that he occasionally goes to the gun range with his parents. The other boy thought it would be cool to try shooting some time. That was the end of the conversation. Or so they thought.

Another student overheard the talk about guns and shooting ranges, and she told her parents about it. In turn, her parents notified the school.

Riley Malone, at the shooting range with his single shot .22.

Riley’s mother, Christine Malone, received a phone call from Principal Falicia Green, who was “understandably concerned” that students would be talking about firearms.

She said, ‘You don’t have any guns in the house, do you?’ I told her my son does not have access to guns. Christine Malone tells The Gateway Pundit. “At the time I was very worried my son would be targeted in some way by the school. My son’s rifle is locked up, along with all other guns in the house. He cannot access them – our safe has a finger print lock.”

Malone continues “That night, I asked my son about the conversation. He started crying, he thought he was in trouble. I assured him he was not. I also told him school was not a good place to talk about guns because people can freak out. I told him he’s done nothing wrong, there is no reason why he can’t go to the range and shoot his rifle. He was very upset.

But that wasn’t the end of this saga.

The next day, my son was pulled out of the classroom by a school counselor. She sat him down and asked him if he ever used guns. He was terrified. He told her he has a rifle and that Mom and Dad have hand guns. He told her they are all locked up and that Mom and Dad have taken shooting classes. Apparently, the counselor was satisfied with his answers and I didn’t hear anything more about it from the school.

While this has apparently concluded, it’s entirely possible that 10 year old Riley is now on some watch list at the school, and surely this non-incident has been added to his record somewhere.

This comes on the heels of similar story involving a New Jersey veteran whom police tried to disarm because his son mentioned something about guns in school.

The post 4th Grader Questioned By School Officials Over Parents’ .22 Rifle appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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