
Breaking: Robert Mueller’s Democrat Investigators Likely Acquired NRA TAX FILINGS in Expanding Witch Hunt

- Juli 03, 2018

In July 2017 Conservative talk show host legend, Rush Limbaugh took to the airwaves vigorously defending President Trump against special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Via The Rush Limbaugh Show:

They don’t have any limits. There are no parameters. The Justice Department has not limited the scope of Mueller’s investigation at all. So here’s what this also is. As it stands now, the Mueller investigation is probably going to be the biggest, most massive opposition research operation ever conducted in American politics. With this investigation having no bounds and no limits, this team can go anywhere to find any dirt whatsoever. In fact, for the presidential election in 2020, this is a godsend. A team of Obama-Hillary donors investigating every aspect of a sitting president that they detest.

An opposition research festival that has been sanctioned by law, an opposition research investigation that can go anywhere as deep as it wants to dredge up anything they can find on a sitting president and to heck with what comes of the investigation. The data being produced here, I mean as much as things leaked now, it wouldn’t be a challenge at all to have some of whatever they find end up in the presidential campaign of 2020. An investigation certified by the president’s own Justice Department to investigate him! A free pass with an unlimited budget! There has never been an opposition research examination or investigation or operation that even gets close to this!”

Rush was right!

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller has now collected information from Trump donors, the RNC, all of the Trump Campaign officials, Trump businesses, Erik Prince and Blackwater, and now the NRA.

When does Mueller and Rosenstein get arrested?

And now it appears a Mueller associate leaked information on the NRA to McClatchy.
McClatchy reported:

For months, the National Rifle Association has had a stock answer to queries about an investigation into whether Russian money was funneled to the gun rights group to aid Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

The NRA, which spent $30 million-plus backing Trump’s bid, has heard nothing from the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, spokesman Andrew Arulanandam reiterated in an email the other day.

Legal experts, though, say there’s an easy explanation for that. They say it would be routine for Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, who are looking at the NRA’s funding as part of a broader inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections, to secretly gain access to the NRA’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service.

On the returns, the group was required to identify its so-called “dark money” donors — companies and wealthy individuals who financed $21 million of the group’s publicly disclosed pro-Trump spending, as well as its multimillion-dollar efforts to heighten voter turnout. The NRA’s nonprofit status allows it to shield those donors’ names from the public, but not the IRS.

And there should be no doubt that these investigators will or already have released this information to the Democrat Party.

The post Breaking: Robert Mueller’s Democrat Investigators Likely Acquired NRA TAX FILINGS in Expanding Witch Hunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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