
Lawyers HAMMER Fake News MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell For Citing Wrong Law in Claiming White House Tweets to Senators is Illegal

- Juli 03, 2018

Andrea Mitchell

Fake News MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell attempted to attack President Trump’s White House on Monday over tweets sent from the official White House Twitter account to two different Senators.

Lawyers on Twitter hammered Andrea Mitchell for citing the wrong law.

The White House sent a tweet to Kamala Harris asking her why she supports MS-13.

.@SenKamalaHarris, why are you supporting the animals of MS-13? You must not know what ICE really does. Here is a link to help you out:

And another to Senator Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren.

.@SenWarren, why are you supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs, and victims across our nation’s borders? You must not know what ICE really does. Here is a link to help you out:

Andrea Mitchell then spread fake news by citing a law that has nothing to do with the White House’s tweets.

First, Andrea Mitchell jumped to Kamala Harris’s defense.

Mitchell tweeted: White House official twitter account slams potential 2020 opponents over ICE FALSELY accusing @SenKamalaHarris of “supporting the animals of MS-13” and @SenWarren of “supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs and victims” across our borders. Raises questions of law and ethics

The fake news reporter then cited a law that has nothing to do with the White House’s tweets to Senators, but hey, when do facts matter to liars in the media?

Mitchell tweeted: Re: White House tweets attacking Senators: Section 1352(a) of Title 31: No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall..be used directly or indirectly to pay for any .. written matter… intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress

And Twitter responded…

Lawyer and independent journalist, Mike Cernovich blasted Andrea Mitchell.

Gabriel Malor, an attorney and contributor to The Federalist and Washington Examiner set Andrea Mitchell straight.

Chet Cannon pointed out Obama’s White House previously tweeted at Mitch McConnell over Obamacare and no one minded.

The post Lawyers HAMMER Fake News MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell For Citing Wrong Law in Claiming White House Tweets to Senators is Illegal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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