
Obama CIA Director, Trump presser with Putin meets “high crimes & misdemeanors.”

- Juli 16, 2018

Not Happy

Former C.I.A. Director, John Brennan is ticked off and he is going to let everyone know about via President Trumps favorite communication venue.


Leading up to the press conference between President Trump and Vlad Putin, Brennan wondered aloud why Trump was meeting with Putin one on one. This is a point that many people had brought in the lead up of the meeting including here at Red State.Sen. Mark Warner: Trump Can’t Be Trusted To Meet With Putin Alone

So Brennan seems to think that Chief of Staff John Kelly ( who is also a former General) his successor at C.I.A. Mike Pompeo and noted hawk John Bolton are going to get played being they are not in the room.

Interesting. That was just the warm-up though.

Now there are a lot of things that you can say that are legitimate criticisms of Donald Trump.

Saying that the President of The United States through his actions

“rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.”

is a pretty serious charge.

As the internet explodes over this press conference in Helsinki, I would hope that someone such as Brennan who truly understands what the treason means, explains himself.

He owes that to this country unless it was just a twitter rant. Then he can move along.

The post Obama CIA Director, Trump presser with Putin meets “high crimes & misdemeanors.” appeared first on RedState.


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