
Refuse to Address Someone By Their Gender Preference? At U of MN, That Might Get You Expelled…or Fired

- Juli 15, 2018

(AP Photo/Toby Talbot, File)

Though the actual number of individuals who identify as transgender is still very low, the push to normalize said gender confusion continues to rise.

The most recent stat from 2016 indicates that approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States identify as something other than their actual biology. The amount, roughly 1.4 million individuals, is extremely small. Yet, we’re told that we must bow to the preferences of this crowd so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

That by itself is becoming a frustrating reality, but now, it could actually impact your education or career.

As the Star Tribune reports, the University of Minnesota is considering a new gender identity policy that comes with the most extreme type of disciplinary action, emphasis mine.

The U is considering a new “gender identity” policy that would assure transgender men and women, as well as others, the right to use whatever pronoun they wish on campus — whether it’s he, she, “ze” or something else.

And everyone from professors to classmates would be expected to call them by the right words or risk potential disciplinary action, up to firing or expulsion.

The pronoun rule is just one of the proposed changes in a draft U policy that, advocates say, would bar harassment and discrimination against transgender and “gender nonconforming” individuals. It’s designed, in part, to combat an indignity known as misgendering — when someone is called by a name or personal pronoun they no longer use.

University officials insist that the policy, which has been described as one of the most ambitious of its kind in the country, is still a work in progress and will likely undergo revisions before it’s approved.

Here is the list of personal pronouns student can choose from on the university’s website.

The post Refuse to Address Someone By Their Gender Preference? At U of MN, That Might Get You Expelled…or Fired appeared first on RedState.


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