
Smart Girl Podcast #95: All Politics are Local

- Juli 17, 2018

Kira and April talk about the searing opposition research on SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh and how he pays off his credit cards fully and on time, the silence of #NeverTrump on Trump’s SCOTUS decisions and of course what Smart Girl Podcast would be complete without their weekly “This is how we got Trump!” rant?

Also, April makes a fantastic case for why we should really get involved in our local politics if we truly want to make a difference in the lives of our communities.

Thanks so much to this week’s sponsor Legacy Box!

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I think the greater lesson for everybody to learn is that all politics is local and you can get involved and make so much more change if you get on the PTA, the city council, the town council, the school board whatever and you can make so much more of a difference in more lives if you get onto those things as opposed to just shooting for congress or heading to Washington and trying to make your one person in a swarm of people trying to make a difference. Sometimes you just step back and think, maybe I should just do what I can where I am.

The post Smart Girl Podcast #95: All Politics are Local appeared first on RedState.


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