
Thin-Skinned Porn Star Lawyer Michael Avenatti Threatens James Woods With Alleged #MeToo Claims–Over a Twitter Insult?

- Juli 15, 2018

How thin skinned is bully-boy porn star attorney Michael Avenatti? So thin-skinned he threatened to ruin conservative actor James Woods with alleged “MeToo” allegations over a silly insult Woods posted to Twitter Friday.

Media hog Avenatti, attorney for porn star and Trump antagonist Stormy Daniels, was in London on Friday getting more camera time by protesting against President Donald Trump’s visit to the U.K.

Woods posted a screen grab of Avenatti pontificating on the BBC, along with a joke comment about Avenatti, comparing him to the little ‘baby Trump’ blimp flown at the protest, “Oh, look. The real diapered, hot air balloon…”

Woods later mocked liberals over the actual tiny ‘baby Trump’ blimp, posting a comment over a photo of the blimp totally dwarfed by the city of London, “I am starting to become fond of liberals. They are like dogs who have survived distemper – oddly sweet, proudly stupid, and prone to walking into walls. This is their crowning glory…”

Avenatti responded on Saturday, “Has Been Jimbo: You know what I love? Every time you pop off about me, one or two more women contact my ofc and describe your harassment/assault of them and #MeToo issues, seeking representation. Keep playing games and you will be next. I promise. #Basta”

Woods has not responded to Avenatti on Twitter, nor has he responded to press inquiries by the Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly.

EW reported Woods has been accused by a 16-year-old of hitting on her and by actress Elizabeth Perkins, who held a “James Woods #MeToo” sign at a 2017 Hollywood protest but did not elaborate and declined to comment. Woods denied hitting on the 16-year-old girl.

While the #MeToo movement has been a great help to women, it has also been used as a weapon as in the case of James Woods.

One has to wonder what the bar association thinks of lawyers who respond to silly insults with threats to ruin the man insulting him with innuendo of sexual misconduct and threats of legal action unrelated to the insult.

The post Thin-Skinned Porn Star Lawyer Michael Avenatti Threatens James Woods With Alleged #MeToo Claims–Over a Twitter Insult? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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