
Symone Sanders, Courtesy of CNN: The Trump Administration is Pooping on You (Yes — It’s Poop)

- Agustus 18, 2018



There’s been a lot of poop in the news lately. I don’t mean that metaphorically, though such a case can always be made.

Easy example: my article on our world circling the bowl.

Sorry to add to the pile, but here goes…

On CNN’s The Lead Wednesday, the crew discussed President Trump’s decision to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance.

To be sure, Brennan isn’t a complete enemy of the media — the former CIA Director has previously accused the billionaire Leader of the Free World of treason.

Let’s take a walk down (recent) memory lane, shall we?

Surely, no one who’s been paying any attention for the last year and a half could, therefore, be at all shocked by this:

During the broadcast, host Jake Tapper asked guests why Donald Trump would release any significant news while so many things (thanks, in part, to CNN) swirl around the political sphere against him, including talk of Omarosa tapes (please read here, here, and here).

[Question: at what point is there not a host of negative news stories against Trump? If he only made moves at points where the shamefully biased media weren’t attacking him, he would never make moves at all.]

Predictably, a panel member — Symone Sanders, press secretary for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign — accused Herr Trump of causing a political scene with Brennan in order to distract from his own dastardly deeds.

Sanders praised Brennan:

“John Brennan was in the situation room when American heroes took out Bin Laden. Like, what is happening here?”

Symone also noted the necessity of Congress slapping Trump:

“And so, my question, as it always is, is, what is Congress going to do? Congress is — I like to remember — Congress is a co-equal branch of government.”

Everyone seemed to agree that the legislative body needs to be reminded of that. Which is to say, everyone concurred that Trump must be opposed. What would have happened if, during the Obama presidency, pundits had laughed about how the other branches of government needed to put Barack in his place?


“They do need to be reminded…but what is Congress going to do? Are they going to censure the President?”

The conversation also took a dive into the toilet, preceded by a typical claim that what Donald Trump is doing is sinister and unprecedented and shocking and threatening and patently evil. Oh — and Sarah Sanders is crappy:

“I think someone wants to muck up the news cycle, Jake. Look, I definitely…I think this is ridiculous. This is nothing short of extraordinary, and we should all be scared about the state of our democracy.”

Wait for it…get your Febreze ready:

“The President sent his White House Press Secretary out there today to basically poop on the people from the Press Secretary podium.”

There we go. You’ve all been pooped on.

What a bunch of poop.

By the way, if you noticed that three different characters in this story have the last name Sanders, you get extra points.

As for why Trump canceled Brennan’s clearance — and whether it was right — consider this, from a Fox News piece:

“President Trump was right to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan on Wednesday. Brennan, who now works as a national security analyst for MSNBC and NBC News and frequently appears on TV, has no business browsing through our country’s most important and sensitive national security secrets.

“Clearance to classified information is granted based on a ‘need to know.’ Brennan has none, so there was no reason to allow him continued access. He does have a long patternof misuse of his authority and lying about it.

“It has been customary to allow former senior officials to keep their clearances so current officials can consult with them. No one in the Trump administration is or should be consulting with someone as partisan as Brennan, so pulling his clearance was right and proper.”


Thank you for reading! Please let your voices be heard in the Comments section below.

In case you missed the relevant RedState links in this article, please find them herehere, here, and here.

For something completely different, please check out my coverage of Steve Martin and euthanasia, Colin Kaepernick’s moral right to be paid millions of dollars to run around in the grass, and the fact that you’re Russian.




The post Symone Sanders, Courtesy of CNN: The Trump Administration is Pooping on You (Yes — It’s Poop) appeared first on RedState.


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