
Chuck Grassley Goes Nuclear On Dianne Feinstein and Her Tactics to Delay the Kavanaugh Hearings in Letter

- September 26, 2018

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has been pushing the narrative that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is a sexually assaulting misogynist since the 11th hour of the first confirmation vote, but has yet to produce anything credible.

And Senator Chuck Grassley has had enough of the circus. Feinstein has done everything in her power to see to it that the accusers never give their testimony, and has once again asked that the hearing set for Thursday be delayed even further.

So you can imagine that Grassley was none too accommodating, and slammed Feinstein and her shady tactics in a strongly worded letter.

Grassley told Feinstein that he would not be delaying the hearings any further as it is both unfair to accuser Christine Blasey Ford as well as Kavanaugh, who have both gone through hell due to the media circus surrounding them. He further trashes the idea that the hearings should be delayed because of the new claims made by Deborah Ramirez as Grassley sees zero connection between the two claims…

…except one.

“In fact, the obvious connection between these two claims is that Senate Democrats hid both allegations of misconduct from the Committee and the public,” wrote Grassley.

“Indeed,” continued Grassley, “it was reportedly Senate Democratic staff who conveyed the allegations to the media rather than alert Republican staff to conduct a bipartisan investigation.”

Grassley went on to nuke Feinstein’s request of an FBI investigation, noting that Kavanaugh had already gone through six of them in the past 25 years with zero evidence that Kavanaugh had ever done anything remotely close to sexual assault. What’s more, Grassley points out that the New Yorker couldn’t even prove the allegations in the story it ran, and the New York Times investigation into Ramirez’s claims yielded no positive results for sexual assault.

“Even the liberal New York Times did not find the allegations “fit to print”,” wrote Grassley.

Grassley finished by warning Feinstein that lying to the press is not a crime, but lying to Congress is, and if Ramirez shows up with her claims and is found to be lying, then Ramirez will suffer under the penalty of law.

Grassley is not playing around now, and warning Feinstein that the creation of a hearing that may see someone end up in jail is proof of that.

At this time, not even Feinstein is sure if Ford will show up to the hearing on Thursday, and all evidence points to the idea she won’t. It looks like Feinstein’s delay tactics are crumbling around her.

Perhaps Mitch McConnell’s statement that Kavanaugh will be confirmed is going to come true.

The post Chuck Grassley Goes Nuclear On Dianne Feinstein and Her Tactics to Delay the Kavanaugh Hearings in Letter appeared first on RedState.


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