
Concerned Women for America on Kavanaugh: #MeToo Being Highjacked and ‘Weaponized’

- September 30, 2018



Could the #MeToo movement — a war cry on behalf of women to protect them from predation — be used to abort more women? Or rage against due process?

According to Concerned Women of America, in the instance of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, that seems to be the case.

As hundreds of women gathered in Washington, D.C. Thursday in support of Kavanaugh, Penny Nance, president of the organization (also covered as a group here) expressed an endorsement of #MeToo as well as a belief in justice and due process — things those citing ubiquitous hashtag appear not at all willing to afford Judge Kavanaugh. For examples of that, just see my articles on Emmy Rossum’s Kavanaugh cut-down and TimesUp pioneer Alyssa Milano’s breaking of my glass heart.

Nance explained the situation:

“The #MeToo movement is important, and it is real. But we also believe in justice and due process. We believe in a presumption of innocence. And the minute we weaponize and politicize an important issue like rape, we degrade every victim in this country. And it has to stop.”


Penny noted her own terrible experience with sexual crime, having been attacked by a stranger two decades ago.

For every woman like Penny…for every victim of a sexual crime, the foundational notion of #MeToo is important. Substantial. Good. But like all ideas, it can be bastardized.

Some at the rally pointed to a specific utilization of #MeToo against Kavanaugh — concerning an issue over which the Left have fear-mongered greatly (see here and here).

Betty DeHaven, a West Virginia chapter leader, marveled over the almost-forty-year age of Ford’s allegation, fingering the charge-leading Democrats’ motivation:

“I think it is very important to give fairness to Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who is being ridiculed and shamed for no reason. And I think this has become a circus. It’s absolutely ludicrous when you consider what they are doing to this man, when he has had a reputation of impeccable behavior. And to go back 35 years is crazy. … I think this is about abortion, ultimately. And they are afraid. They are clutching at anything they can to preserve what they have with Roe v. Wade.”

They’re certainly afraid. The National Organization for Women’s website presently features a front page Roe v. Wade write-up titled “Kavanaugh: a Threat to Women and Our Constitutional Right to Privacy.”

Left-wing Cosmopolitan magazine spotlighted actress Kathleen Turner with the headline “Kathleen Turner: I’ve Fought for Abortion Rights for Decades, But I’ve Never Seen a Threat Like This.”

On September 4th, Salon ran “As a Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh Will Present an Immediate Threat to Women’s Rights.”

And in July, The Washington Post published an editorial warning, “The Threat to Abortion Rights is Bigger Than You Think” (how do they know what we think?).

Meanwhile, Sen. Susan Collins has said Kavanaugh sees the landmark 1973 abortion decision as “settled law.”

#MeToo, though certainly cited more often by the Left, is founded upon a virtuous idea: that through speaking up, victims can comfort others like them, expose criminals, and prevent future harm. However, when weaponized to politically preserve a national abortion law — or to avert due process, at the expense of an innocent man and his family — it becomes a highjacked tool of the virtueless. If #MeToo is truly about victims, then let it benefit all who find themselves one; including a conservative Supreme Court nominee.


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