
Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley to File Court Injunction to STOP Kavanaugh Vote

- September 27, 2018

Desperate to stop any progress that Trump makes, far left senator from Oregon, Jeff Merkley, now plans on filing a lawsuit to stop the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation vote. Perhaps Merkley knows that all of the Kavanaugh accusations have no substance, so this is a last ditch effort to try to stop Trump.

KOIN6 Reports:

Sen. Jeff Merkley will file a lawsuit Wednesday to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, citing what he believes to be unconstitutional presidential interference.

Merkley’s office said the lawsuit will argue that the Trump administration’s unprecedented withholding of substantial parts of Kavanaugh’s record has violated the constitutional separation of powers by preventing senators from fulfilling their constitutional duty of advice and consent on the president’s nominee to the Supreme Court.

Merkley will ask the courts to intervene in order to prevent the process from continuing until Kavanaugh’s full record is available for public scrutiny, the press release stated.

Merkley’s lawsuit comes after three women publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault. However, he staunchly denies ever sexually assaulting anyone, and his allies have questioned the credibility of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and a second accuser based in part on what they say is a lack of corroboration. 

Merkley is rumored to be exploring a run for President in 2020, campaigning against job growth, promoting abortion, and favoring illegal aliens over citizens.

The post Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley to File Court Injunction to STOP Kavanaugh Vote appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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