
Elections Matter: Alabama Democrat Senator Doug Jones Calls for Delay in Kavanaugh Vote & FBI Investigation of Non-Crime

- September 20, 2018

Elections Matter.
The Jeff Sessions curse continues to haunt America.

Alabama Senator Doug Jones went one with Neil Cavuto on FOX Business Channel on Wednesday to discuss the 36-year-old developing accusations by Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Jones squeaked out a win against Judge Roy Moore for the seat earlier this year after Democrats ran unproven allegations against the Alabama judge.

On Wednesday Jones called for a delay in the Kavanaugh vote and an FBI investigation into the 36-year-old ever-changing allegations by an anti-Trump activist against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE this incident is real and EVERY WITNESS or POTENTIAL WITNESS has refuted the far left activist’s claims.

Doug Jones: I think it would be incredibly unfortunate to go forward with this nomination on the floor.

Jones is Alabama’s first Democrat senator in years.
Elections have consequences.

The post Elections Matter: Alabama Democrat Senator Doug Jones Calls for Delay in Kavanaugh Vote & FBI Investigation of Non-Crime appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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