Sen. Bernie Sanders apparently hasn’t received the memo that Chuck Grassley is done suffering fools regarding the Kavanaugh nomination. Sanders saw fit to add his name to those requesting an FBI investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh, sending a letter to Grassley today. The reply is almost more beautiful than the way he played Pelosi and Flake on Friday.
This is amazing @ChuckGrassley smack down of @SenSanders
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) September 30, 2018
He wrote:
Thank you for your letter today. As you know, on July 10, 2018, you stated, “[W]e must mobilize the American people to defeat” Judge Kavanaugh. This happened less than 24 hours after Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination was announced. As you also know, all Senators have had access to 307 judicial opinions Judge Kavanaugh wrote over his 12 years on the bench, over 500,000 pages of documents, over 40 hours of live testimony, and move answers to written questions than every prior Supreme Court nominee combined. Nevertheless, you made your decision on this nomination in less than 24 hours.
Translation – “Pffft, you obviously never read the info we gave you – why do you want more?” Grassley continued:
Your public statements clearly reveal how unimportant it is to you to review any facts related to this nomination. So you can imagine my surprise at receiving your letter regarding the supplemental FBI background investigation. This supplemental FBI background investigation was requested by undecided members of both parties. Am I to take from your letter that you are now undecided and seriously willing to engage with the Senate’s advice-and-consent constitutional duties related to the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States? If so, we should have a conversation about what information you need to assist you in making your decision, and I look forward to that conversation.
I can’t stop clapping. This take-down is beautiful. But it’s not complete without a totally dismissive parting line:
I appreciate your raising concerns, which others have already raised, at this 11th hour.
Also Saturday, Sanders took his investigative skills to Twitter. Instead of going through the documents he has, he piggy-backed on Sen. Whitehouse’s theories that have already been debunked by superior Twitter investigators.
Kavanaugh claimed he didn't drink on weeknights but an entry on his calendar for Thursday July 1 states, “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, Pj, Bernie, Squi.” Kavanaugh clarified to Sen. Booker that “Skis” referred to beer. Was Kavanaugh's original statement truthful? (10/10)
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) September 29, 2018
Oh, nevermind. His source is Vox. Should that be labeled as a sponsored post?
The post Grassley’s Latest Burn Victim: Bernie Sanders appeared first on RedState.