
Jared Polis — Who Claims Women Will Die if He Loses the Election — Was Accused of Assault by a Woman

- September 26, 2018



Previously, I covered the story of Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jared Polis’s absolutely ridiculous claim that, if his Republican opponent wins the Colorado governship, there will be death to women.

Yes — it’s that dumb.

What’s dumber is that, since making that ludicrous statement, The Washington Free Beacon has unearthed an incident nineteen years ago, in which Polis allegedly battered a woman.

A police report filed with the Boulder PD on June 23, 1999 noted “two bruise marks” on the bicep of 24-year-old Patricia Hughes, along with “a red welt on her right thigh,” from Polis grabbing at his already-resigned office worker.

Take note, Kavanaugh opponents — this is what people do when they’re significantly hurt, if they want the world to believe them in the future: they file a police report.

As the story goes, Hughes called Polis from the headquarters of his JPS International LLC. Having turned in her resignation days prior, she told the future U.S. representative she would “go after” him with information she possessed, if her departure from the company didn’t go smoothly.

Polis hightailed it to the office.

Here are excerpts from the police report:

“After hanging up with the dispatcher, Ms. Hughes attempted to leave the office. Mr. Schutz physically blocked the door to prevent her from leaving. She moved toward him again, this time hitting him with one of her bags. Mr. Schutz then put both of his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back to prevent her from leaving.

“Hughes then tried to leave and Schutz did not let her leave. Hughes said that he grabbed her and pushed her back into the office. Hughes said that when Schutz pushed her she was pushed back into a file cabinet, hurting her leg. Hughes said that she then said that she was going to call 911 and went to the phone. Hughes said that she tried calling 911 three times and twice Schutz hung the phone up. The third time Hughes got through.”

As for injuries, the file documents thusly:

“I did observe two bruise marks on Ms. Hughes left inside bicep and a red welt on her thigh. She stated that the bruises on her arms were from Mr. Schutz ‘grabbing’ her with his right hand. The bruises were not conducive with Mr. Schutz’s statement that he pushed her shoulders. Nor were they conducive with Ms. Hughes’s statement of Mr. Schutz standing in front of her and grabbing her.

“The welt on her thigh she said was from Mr. Schutz pushing her back when she attempted to leave. The welt was conducive with the a (sic) file cabinet in front of the door. There was also a key protruding from the upper right hand corner of the cabinet that could have produced the welt.”

The report does also say Hughes’s bag contained company materials she was intent upon taking.

I’m not saying Polis is a woman-beater. I have no understanding of all which had transpired between boss and employee during Hughes’s tenure with the company.

My only point is this: if you’re going to grandstand about women dying because of your defeat in a fair political race — if you’re going to trumpet something that absolutely absurd — you may want to prepare for a heavy backlash, knowing you’re on record as having manhandled a female employee — whether justified or not — in a way that is available to the public. If that’s your history, maybe you should tone down the fatuousness of your rhetoric.

Polis doesn’t have to worry about Hughes speaking out: she died in 2014.

Still, the report lives on. Given that, maybe Polis should — as should all politicians — focus on letting people know what he can do to improve the current system of government, related to the liberty which we as Americans are promised by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Perhaps if he would genuinely do that, he could be elected on actual merit — and, in doing so, not look like such a goon.

We have enough goons already, constantly covered at RedState by Yours Truly — Hillary Clinton (here), Al Green (here), Maxine Waters (here), to name only a few (please remind yourself of the wackiness by visiting those pieces).

As for Polis’s temperament — and, therefore, his potential capacity to inflict harm — see what you think of the video below.

And by the way: if you feel sorry for Polis, given that he may not be as guilty a some may ascribe, consider his 2015 remark about campus rape:

“If there’s 10 people who have been accused, and under a reasonable likelihood standard maybe one or two did it, it seems better to get rid of all 10 people. We’re not talking about depriving them of life and liberty. We’re talking about them transferred to another university.”


Thank you for reading! What are your thoughts on all of this? Please sound off in the Comments section.

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